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Rabbi Benny’s Weekly Torah Thought: The One With the Police Chase

Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parasha, Beshalach. This week Rabbi Benny answers the question: Why did G-d tell the Jews to keep quiet and leave it all to him while the Egyptians were attacking them at the Red Sea, but told the Jews to go out and fight when the nation of Amalek attacked them in the desert?

Rabbi Benny’s Weekly Torah Thought: The One with the Interrogation

Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parasha, Bo. This week Rabbi Benny answers the question: If the rabbis who sanctified the new Jewish Lunar month anyways knew the exact moment when the moon would be reborn, then why did the Torah also require the testimony of 2 witnesses who’d seen the new moon in order to seal the deal? Couldn’t their intellectual scientific mastery be enough?

Rabbi Benny’s Weekly Torah Thought: The One With King Phar-Phar

Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parasha, Va’eira. This week Rabbi Benny answers the question: Why didn’t Pharaoh’s magicians show up to challenge Moses and Aaron during the sixth plague of boils? What special act did Moses do to totally baffle and silence them? And what lesson do we learn from it in our lives?

Rabbi Benny’s Weekly Torah Thought: The One with All the Crying

Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parasha, Vayigash. This week Rabbi Benny answers the questions: When Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, him and Benjamin embrace and weep together, because they each foresaw the other’s future suffering and destruction… But why weep for the other guy when they should have each just wept for themselves?

Rabbi Benny’s Weekly Torah Thought: The One with the Presidential Debate

Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parasha, Mikeitz. This week Rabbi Benny answers the questions: When Joseph’s ten brothers start feeling all regretful as mighty Joseph begins throwing challenges their way, Reuven, the eldest of the brothers, seems to get all condescending and rude to his brothers… Does that make sense? Was he really that heartless? And what is the lesson that we can take from it?