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8:00pm: How Can I Deal With Conflicting Feelings About Yiddishkeit and Chabad – I Feel That I Am Living a Double Life?

The topics in this week’s 262nd episode of the highly acclaimed popular MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: Who Authored the Zohar and What Are Its Origins? Why Did G-d Create Poor People? How Can I Deal With Conflicting Feelings About Yiddishkeit and Chabad – I Feel That I Am Living a Double Life? Is Rabbi Akiva’s 24,000 Students a Rounded or an Actual Number? Should Non-Jewish Spouses Be Welcomed in Synagogues? Does a Tinok She’Nishba Have Free Will? What Is the Legal and Theological Perspective on Comatose States and Brain Death? Anti-Semitism – Follow-Up; Who Repairs the “Shattered” Containers of Tohu – G-d or Us?

Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin Denied Entry Into U.K. Turned Away at Manchester Airport

Immigration authorities in the U.K. have reportedly refused to allow Sholom Rubashkin entry moments ago. Sources confirm that Rubashkin arrived at the Manchester Airport, where his entry was denied.