Chevra Simchas Shabbos V’Yom Tov, Says Thank You
Rabbi Benzion Stock of CSSY penned an open letter to the community thanking them for their contributions towards helping everyone celebrate Pesach. It could not happen without your support
Rabbi Benzion Stock of CSSY penned an open letter to the community thanking them for their contributions towards helping everyone celebrate Pesach. It could not happen without your support
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As a part of the terrible event that took place yesterday in the Chabad House of Kenya, the local authorities took it with the greatest concern. The head of the criminal investigations office had a meeting with the Shliach, and updated him with the most recent updates on the ongoing investigation. A Crowd Funding campaign has been launched to upgrade the security for the Chabad House.
Rabbi Avtzon, a veteran mechanech and the author of numerous books on the Rebbeim and their chassidim presents this weeks story. He is available to farbreng in your community and can be contacted at avtzonbooks@gmail.com.
It is forbidden on a holiday to do any act in preparation for the following day, even if the following day is Shabbat. However, the sages created a halachic device, called an eruv tavshilin, which allows one to cook food on a holiday day for use on a Shabbat that immediately follows it.
A new film documents the adventurous and altruistic life of Reb Moshe Zalman Feiglin Z”L, a devoted Lubavitcher Chossid who arrived in Australia in 1912 and has since steadfastly paved the way to the start of many of the Jewish educational initiatives in Australia.
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present a weekly photo of the Rebbe as he exits the hall after a farbrengen, circa 1956.