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Weekly Letter: The Rebbe on “Yom Haatzma’ut”

In this weeks letter The Rebbe responds to a question about Chabad’s involvement in various matters, where the Rebbe refers specifically to Chabad’s involvement in Zahal (Israeli Army). Which leads the Rebbe to discuss and encourage the strengthening of the security in our Holy Land, by opposing the surrender of any part of our land. The letter, written originally in English, is from the archives of the Rebbe’s trusted secretary Rabbi Nissan Mindel.

Weekly Story: The Bear That Davened

Moshe considered himself very fortunate. The local Poritz (squire) had hired him to manage all of his estates. Not only would his personal financial stability improve, but as the manager, he would now be in a position to hire and help many other Jews in the community. They would no longer have to bribe the officials in order to lease an inn or to acquire any other license.