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Boruch Dayan Hoemes: Shua Polonsky, 31, OBM

With great sadness, shock and pain we inform you of the sudden and untimely passing of Shua Polonsky, OBM, a beloved husband and father to two young girls, after a sudden and brief illness, during which Klal Yisrael of all stripes came together to pray for his recovery. He was 31 years old. Levaya information added.

Video: My Brother Shua

Menachem Polonsky, brother of Shua Polonsky, a 31-year old father of 2 who is fighting for his life after contracting a sudden and rare disease, speaks a few heartfelt words about what his brother means to him and all who know and love him, before leading a prayer for his recovery.

Chabad of Orange Marks Own Bar Mitzvah

On Sunday, November 5, 2017, friends of Chabad of Orange County, New York, led by Shluchim Pesach and Chana Burston, filled the Rushmore Estate Ballroom in Highland Mills for an Evening of Laughter & L’Chaim, celebrating Chabad’s Bar Mitzvah Anniversary.  This exciting and fun evening marked this milestone of 13 years of Chabad’s service to the community, which began in June of 2004.

Shabbaton Unites Students from Around the World

More than 1,200 students from 120 universities from across North America and Europe and as far away as South Africa converged on Crown Heights this weekend for the annual Chabad on Campus Pegisha. The event has become a highlight of the Jewish campus life calendar, consistently bringing the largest group of Jewish students together for three days of inspiration, education, friendship, and growth.

Jewish Life Blooms Again in Barcelona After 500 Years

On a warm August afternoon during peak tourist season, a van plowed into Las Ramblas a pedestrian, tree-lined mall in central Barcelona killing 14 people and injuring 100. In October, the Mediterranean city was once again making headlines, this time as tensions exploded between Catalonian separatists declaring independence and crackdowns by the Spanish government.