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Obama Spied on Netanyahu During Iranian Nuclear Talks

According to a Wall Street Journal report, the United States spied on Israeli officials during Iranian nuclear talks, including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. According to the report appearing on Tuesday, the National Security Agency was instructed to monitor the Israelis during the sensitive talks, highlighting the extent of mistrust that exists between Washington and Jerusalem.

Video: What’s the Origin of the Name Mendel?

Sefer Shemos begins with again listing the names of the Yaakov’s children. Explore the importance and influence of a name, and other intriguing curios on Jewish names. For example, why don’t we find reference to anyone being named Gad and Asher – names from the Shevatim – throughout the entire era of Mishnah and Gemarah? Rabbi Mendel Kaplan even shares a compelling theory on the origin and meaning of the name Mendel.