Leshono Tova Tikosaivu V’Tichosemu!

As we are all making our final preparations to usher in the new year, we – the staff at CrownHeights.info – would like to wish our loyal readers, fans, contributors and tipsters a happy and healthy sweet new year, K’siva Vachasima Tova, Leshono Tova Tikosaivu V’Tichosemu and a Gut Gebentched Yohr.

May this year be a safe, successful and prosperous year for all, and may we achieve our ultimate goal and report the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days!

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Why We Eat the Head of a Fish

One of the prevalent customs of Rosh Hashanah is that during the meals, we eat various foods. Our minhag (custom) is that we only say a special yehi ratzon before we eat the apple dipped in honey. However, in many communities people say a (different) yehi ratzon on each item eaten, be it the head of a fish or ram, the carrots that are made especially sweet, or other foods.

by Rabbi Sholom Avtzon