New Mezuzah Leads to Bar Mitzvah in Ukraine

Twice a year, brothers Nechemya and Yair Ledaiev, members of the Lubavitch community in France, travel to far-flung places across the globe to help isolated Jews fulfill the Mitzvah of Mezuzah. This week, while in the western Ukrainian city of Vinnitza, they were helping a Jewish family affix a Mezuzah when they learned that their son would be celebrating his 13th birthday the following day.

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MyLife Challenge: Can You Make Chassidus Practical?

In honor of the Alter Rebbe’s 202nd yahrzeit on Chof Dalet Teves, and first  anniversary of the acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied webcast series, the Meaningful Life Center has launched the MyLife Essay Contest, and will award $10,000 to the winning essay which applies a concept or idea in Chassidus to solve a contemporary life issue or challenge. Contest details can be found online at

Torah to Commemorate Rashi’s 1st Yahrtzeit

It is hard to believe that nearly a year has passed since Rashi Minkowitz, shlucha, mother, daughter and wife has passed away. The shock and horror of her premature passing left a deep imprint on us all. We can each remember exactly where we stood, when we heard the tragic news. At that time, there was an international outpouring of grief; a sincere desire to do something, indeed anything, in her memory.