Man Executed on a Crown Heights Street
A man was shot and killed while riding a bike on Union Street. Police are calling the homicide a ‘well planned execution’.
A man was shot and killed while riding a bike on Union Street. Police are calling the homicide a ‘well planned execution’.
This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 38, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info beginning at 8:00pm. This week, in a special pre-Simchas Torah Edition, Rabbi Jacobson will address the topic: What relevance does Simchas Torah have to my personal life?
A large group of teenagers went on a vandalism spree in Crown Heights, trespassing into parked school buses and vandalizing parked cars, as well as trashing a grocery store and assaulting one of the store employees.
Despite a double-digit drop in rental prices last month, Crown Heights rents are still up more than 10 percent over last year — the highest increase in the borough, according to a recently released real estate report.
Alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations will be suspended Monday, October 13, for Columbus Day. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect.
Repurposed shipping containers have become hip homes for everything from hotels to coffee houses. Now, downtown Detroit is set to be the home of what is possibly the word’s first shipping-container sukkah.
From dusk to dawn, crowds of Chasidim and Jews from all walks of life danced joyously to live music played by Avi Piamenta at Simchas Beis Hashoeva on Kingston Ave. in Crown Heights.
A crown Heights-based business was the subject of a NY Daily News feature article on the seasonal ‘pop-up’ industry of Sukkah building, describing how Yeshiva Students earn a quick buck building the wooden and canvas huts in advance of the weeklong holiday.