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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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8:00pm: Letting It All Go

This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 38, will air tonight, Sunday, here on beginning at 8:00pm. This week, in a special pre-Simchas Torah Edition, Rabbi Jacobson will address the topic: What relevance does Simchas Torah have to my personal life?

Out of the Box: Detroit Sukkah From a Shipping Container

Repurposed shipping containers have become hip homes for everything from hotels to coffee houses. Now, downtown Detroit is set to be the home of what is possibly the word’s first shipping-container sukkah.

Daily News: Sukkah Builders Rake It In

A crown Heights-based business was the subject of a NY Daily News feature article on the seasonal ‘pop-up’ industry of Sukkah building, describing how Yeshiva Students earn a quick buck building the wooden and canvas huts in advance of the weeklong holiday.