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Developers Wish They Could Build More in Crown Heights

Crown Heights is one of the fastest — if not the fastest — gentrifying neighborhoods in New York City, and the building of condos and rentals there can be a very profitable endeavor. However, due to various zoning ordinances that predate the surging demand for housing, developers are frustrated by empty warehouses in areas zoned for commercial use that cannot be converted to residential units, as well as many other building restrictions.

Y.G. Marks Rosh Yeshiva’s 40th Year with New Sefer

In honor of 4 Menachem Av, which marks the 40th year (5734-74) since the arrival of the Rosh Yeshivah of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Y.G. – Melbourne), Rabbi Binyomin Cohen, The students of the Yeshivah published a Sefer of Chidushei Torah (Vol. 20), consistent with the Rebbe’s directive that the Yeshivah Gedolah be a centre of Torah learning for Melbourne, and all of Australia.