Video: A Brief Version of the Truth

60 seconds. That’s the amount of time Hamas leaves Israeli citizens to get into a shelter. It doesn’t take more than those 60 seconds to explain the middle east conflict.


  • Sb

    The part showing that Israel agreed to a ceasefire is stupid, because it undermines Israel credibility. No normal country would agree to a ceasefire until the danger has abated.

    • Milhouse

      And yet Israel did, repeatedly. Israel is not a normal country. It has been deeply corrupted by postmodern leftist values. It’s not just that Israelis desperately want the Europeans to like them. The IDF has indoctrinated its soldiers to the point that they actually believe that their own lives are less valuable than those of “Palestinian civilians”. Not only do they risk their own lives for the sake of these “civilians”, but they think this is right! This is a terrible sickness.