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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 52% OFF 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

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FIDUCIAL HOME 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

20-25 Pairs Sturdy Shoe Shelf

DEAL PRICE: $14.53 (52% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

Connecticut Congregation Has Staying Power

During the Jewish festival of Sukkot, it’s customary to erect a fragile temporary dwelling—a sukkah—for eating daily meals. For the Hebrew Congregation of Woodmont at the Chabad Jewish Center of Milford, which, according to shul (“synagogue”) president Joel Levitz, welcomes people of “all religious backgrounds,” the notion of living in a temporary dwelling has been all too real of late.

New Haven Daily Nutmeg

Court Bans Rip-Off of Chabad Weekly Pamphlet

The Segev Chareidi/religious party running in the Tel Aviv election felt the best way to get its message out to readers on the last Shabbos before the elections is in the form of a sheet distributed in shuls. The format selected was an exact duplicate of Tzeirei Chabad’s popular שיחות השבוע, which is distributed nationwide.

Daily News: De Blasio Had Front Row Seat to Riots

It was a wrenching conflict that tore at the city’s fabric. The four days of violence known as the Crown Heights riots exposed a deep racial divide and arguably cost Mayor David Dinkins his reelection. A young City Hall aide named Bill de Blasio — today, the overwhelming front-runner for mayor — had a front-row seat to the crisis.