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Weekly Living Torah Video: Exceptional Soldiers

Mr. Yosef Lautenberg was injured in the battle for Jerusalem in 1948, and among the founders of the IDF Disabled Veterans Organization. In 1976, he led the Israeli delegation, made up in large part by injured IDF veterans, to the Paralympics in Toronto, and decided to bring the group to New York to visit with the Rebbe.

Court Affirms Zablo Ruling, Punts on Control of CHK

Two rulings issued by the Zablo Beis Din were upheld in a supreme court ruling this past Tuesday, but other claims regarding the control and operation of the Crown Heights Vaad HaKashrus were sent back to the Zablo. Among the issues yet to be resolved by the Zablo are the validity of R. Braun’s Smicha, as well as control of the Vaad Hakashrus, which for the time being will remain under the control of Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba.

Op-Ed: Pew Asked the Wrong Questions

Pew asked the wrong questions. First, its claims that the numbers of orthodox have dropped over the decades fly in the face of reality. Walk the streets of Pico/Robertson in Los Angeles, North Miami Beach or Flatbush in Brooklyn. Thirty or forty years ago it was tough to find a few religious Jews, and today these neighborhoods are bursting with young religious families. In 1975 there was one large orthodox synagogue in Pico/Robertson and a handful of small ones. Today there are ten times as many congregations, large and small.

by David Eliezrie - Times of Israel

Shabbos at the Besht: Facing Life’s Tests

This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Chaim Schochet will lead a discussion on the topic: Reflections on the Akeida – Facing life’s tests with dignity. Please note: The Besht will be Davening at a new location: Turk’s Catering Hall – 822 Empire Blvd. [between Troy and Schenectady Aves.]