300 Rabbinical Students Heading Out for Summer Sojourns

In 1948, Leibel Posner was about to spend five weeks on the road, traveling throughout the farmlands, towns and cities of New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Nowadays, even as air travel, GPS navigation and videoconferencing make for a more modern-day experience, the underlying themes of Torah, ahavas Yisrael (love of the Jewish people) and selfless dedication remain the same.

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First Kosher Soup Kitchen To Open in Milan

Chabad in Milan, Italy will open the city’s first-ever kosher soup kitchen by summer’s end. According to Rabbi Avraham Hazan, director of Chabad-Lubavitch in the city, the kitchen’s “Meals on Wheels” style dinners will partner with the city’s official home-delivery system to bring kosher food to needy families and hospitalized patients.

Another First in Glasgow – A Kosher Wine Shop

Seven years ago, Glasgow Shluchim Rabbi Chaim and Sora Jacobs recognized the lack of a proper Kosher eatery, so they opened the L’Chaim Kosher Restaurant – a first such establishment in their area. Now they opened a first all kosher wine store after dealing with shortages in local supermarkets.