A Teacher’s Success

Yud Alef Nissan Special: Every year, I received a gift of honey cake from the Rebbe, in honor of the New Year. In a “thank you” letter one year, I cited a story in the last chapter of my book, where I quote a remark of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad movement, which he posed to a government official. Rabbi Schneur Zalman said that G-d asks all of us, “‘Ayeka?’ Where are you?”

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JNet: Make a Chavrusa for Your 11 Nissan Hachlata

As Chassidim of the Rebbe, we are always on the lookout for ways to fulfill our shlichus. This Yud Alef Nissian, JNet is giving you the opportunity to give the Rebbe a beautiful birthday present by volunteering to learn with someone with JNet and get five tickets into a raffle for a Nexus7.

Bukharian Jewish Community Foundation Marks 50th in the US

This past Sunday the Bukharian Jewish Community Foundation celebrated 50 years to its founding in the USA. The Gala Dinner event took place at the Center, and the guest of honor was President of the World Congress of Bukharian Jews, Levi Leviev, a prominent businessman and philanthropist whose parents Reb Avner and Chana Leviev’s names are proudly displayed on the premises of the Center’s building.

Marking the Rebbe’s 111th Birthday with Education

Yud Alef Nissan Special: Today marks the 111 anniversary of birth of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. For over three decades this day was marked by the United States as Education Day U.S.A. The Rebbe hoped that this would place education on a pedestal, stress its importance and the need to invest more into education – because it is not just to learn how to make a better living – it is much more than that.

Merkos Shlichus: 500 Bocuhrim sent to 82 countries

How do hundreds of Yeshiva Bocuhrim prepare to leave their homes and set up the largest network of Passover sedorim in 82 countries around the world? That was the discussion for the 500 rabbinical students who gathered in Crown Heights on Tuesday. The day, a Yom Iyun, was dedicated to helping them prepare for the unique challenges and experiences of running a Passover Seder in far-flung cities around the world.