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DEAL PRICE: $169.00 (58% OFF)


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Commish Kelly Would Lead in Race for NYC Mayor

NY Post

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly (right) standing next to NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The NYPD’s clashes with Wall Street protestors haven’t done much to diminish Police Commissioner Ray Kelly’s popularity. A Quinnipiac University poll released today found that Kelly would lead the current field of candidates if he decided to run for mayor in 2013, even though the top cop has said repeatedly that he doesn’t have the DNA for elective politics.

Video: “I Beseech You O Lord – I Need Parking!”

Loose Translation: Israeli Jew is late and cannot find parking. In Frustration, he turns to G-d and prays for parking, promising that if answered, he will begin putting on Tefillin, Keep Kosher and do Teshuvah. Just then a parking spot becomes available; the Israeli turns to G-d and says “never mind, I can take care of this myself.”

Powerful Earthquake Hits Turkey, Israeli Help Refused


People try to save people trapped under debris in Tabanli village near the city of Van after a powerful earthquake struck eastern Turkey today.

A powerful 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Turkey on Sunday, collapsing dozens of buildings into piles of twisted steel and chunks of concrete. Desperate survivors dug into the rubble with their bare hands, trying to rescue the trapped and injured. State-run television reported that 45 people were killed and 150 others injured in the eastern town of Ercis, but scientists estimated that up to 1,000 people could already be dead, due to low housing standards in the area and the size of the quake.

FEATURE: Bochurim Join OWS, the Satmar Rebbe; and a Special Story About the Rebbe on Tahalucha

‘Simchas Torah’ by Zalman Kleinman

A story about the Rebbe from a Litvish ‘Hoch Ah Chainik’ who used to live in Crown Heights, Bochurim who got lost in Manhattan get invited to join the Occupied Wall Street Hakafos and a closed Chabad House in Williamsburg leads a group to join the Satmar Rebbe for Hakofos in the main Shul on Kent Avenue. Read these readers experiences on Tahalucha!

Yoel Vs. the Port Authority

NY Post

He is a 30-year-old college student who gets by on loans and freelance jobs as a legal assistant and public notary. He does not have a bank account. He does not have a credit card. When he says he lives paycheck to paycheck, he means it quite literally: If he runs out of the money he keeps in the (sometimes torn) pocket of his pants, it means he has nothing until his next check comes along.

Info to be Menachem Avel Efraim Gershowitz

Efraim Gershowitz is sitting shiva after the passing of his dear mother Batya Pessa OBM, at 821 eastern pkwy until Thursday.

Shacharis: 9:30 Mincha: 5:30 Maariv: B’Zman

Phone: 917-355-9459

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.