Video: The Lubavitcher Rebbe and the German Officer

9 minute promo of 56-min documentary directed by Larry Price, co-produced with Israel TV’s Channel 1, about the rescue of the 6th Lubavitch Rebbe, Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, from war-torn Warsaw in 1939 by half-Jewish German Spy Maj. Ernst Bloch working under direct orders of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the Abwehr, German Military Intelligence. Canris was part of a back-door deal between Germany & the US government.

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Mesivta Boys Raising the Bar

In preparation for the new zman, Mesivta Menachem of Buffalo launched it newest campaign to “raise the bar and lower tuition”. Among other initiatives, the Mesivta revised their acceptance criteria, expanded the curriculum and enhanced it’s learning program.

Federal Appeals Court Denies Rubashkin New Trial

Des Moines Register

A federal appeals court has denied a former Postville meatpacking executive’s request for a new trial, saying he failed to show the judge in the case was unfairly biased in favor of the prosecution.

Sanz Appoints Vaad to Ban, Censor Electronics

Yeshiva World News

Too extreme? Or much needed oversight long overdue?

A special Vaad Ruchniyos has been established in the Sanzer Chassidic community in Eretz Yisrael, in Kiryat Sanz in Netanya. This vaad made make critical decisions pertaining to the use of computers and technological wonders. The members of this vaad were appointed by the Rebbe Shlita and they decided what electronic gadgetry and technological advances will be deemed acceptable.

Sunday: Siyum and Hachnosas Sefer Torah

This Sunday the Lazar family will be completing and dedicating a new Sefer Torah in memory of their grandparents and parents. The siyum will take place between 2:00 and 4:00 at 642 Empire Blvd. and at 4:15 the Tahalucha will leave to 770 Montgomery.

Video: Tzivos Hashem Newscast – Elul 5771

Simultaneously viewed in over 50 schools across the world, the focus of this segment (cut from a 30 minute children’s Rally) is to teach children that they have within themselves Something Extraordinary. A power waiting to be unleashed which can strengthen their ability to sense G-d’s presence in a very real and tangible way through the power of Tefillah, prayer. Children also are given their mission of the month in the “Charge It” segment.

Uman Visitors Won’t Get Warm Welcome This Year

Arutz 7

Posters in Uman depict an “alien-like” Jewish figure behind the universal “unwanted” symbol, with the poster’s headline proclaiming “Uman without Chassidim“ (left), and ”Will YOU be attending the march” (right).

Tens of thousands of Israelis who are planning to depart in the coming days to visit the burial site of Rav Nachman of Breslov may not get a warm welcome this year. A group of local residents in the Ukraine city of Uman, where the rabbi’s tomb is located, have called on residents to come out to a major protest against their Israeli visitors, demanding that the city ban them.