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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 68% Mini Electric Screwdriver, 55-in-1 Magnetic Bits

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Mini Electric Screwdriver, 55-in-1 Magnetic Bits

Precision Electric Screwdriver, 3 Torque Settings

Cordless Screwdriver Set, 650mAh Battery

LED Light, Repair Tool

DEAL PRICE: $41.99 (68% OFF)


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Maid Kidnaps Shluchim’s 6-Month-Old Daughter

Surrounded by her siblings and mother, Esti Chayempour sleeps peacefully after being reunited with her family.

GREAT NECK, NY [CHI] — It is every parent’s worst nightmare, and for Rabbi Yitzchok and Tamar Chayempour, Shluchim in Great Neck, Long Island, it came true this morning when their live-in maid walked out and vanished with their six-month old daughter Esti.

Picture of the Day: The Rebbe and the Campers

1976: The Rebbe walks in to daven Mincha in 770 during the month of Menachem Av and pauses to give Tzedakkah in a Pushka held by a camper from the Gan Israel day camp of Queens. From the archives of Shmuel Zalmanov – Montreal.

Video: Day 4 of the Crown Heights Riots

CBS, ABC, FOX, WOR and PIX news covered the outbreak of the Crown Heights Riots, or Pogrom, on August 19th 1991. In this six minute clip obtained exclusively by we see the reports filed by these reporters and their observation on how the riots unfolded.