1976: The Rebbe walks in to daven Mincha in 770 during the month of Menachem Av and pauses to give Tzedakkah in a Pushka held by a camper from the Gan Israel day camp of Queens. From the archives of Shmuel Zalmanov - Montreal.

Picture of the Day: The Rebbe and the Campers

1976: The Rebbe walks in to daven Mincha in 770 during the month of Menachem Av and pauses to give Tzedakkah in a Pushka held by a camper from the Gan Israel day camp of Queens. From the archives of Shmuel Zalmanov – Montreal.

One Comment

  • Machne Yisroel

    If my memory serves me correct, I believe the camp was called “Machne Yisroel Day Camp”