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Special: The Rebbe Corresponds with Mr. Irving Stone

This letter from the Rebbe, זי”ע, is addressed to Mr. Irving I. Stone, of blessed memory, the eldest son of Jacob Sapirstein. Jacob founded the American Greeting card company in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1906, selling picture postcards from a horse-drawn wagon. Together with his two younger brothers (all of whom Americanized their surname to Stone), Irving transformed American Greetings from a small family business into the world’s largest publicly owned greeting card company.

Oholei Torah Gives Honor to Rabbi Rapoport

On 2 Tammuz, Oholei Torah had a Tzeischem L’Sholom gathering to honor Rabbi Pinchus Rapoport. Rabbi Rapoport has served as menahel of the intermediate department of the yeshiva, grades 3, 4 and 5, for the past sixteen years. He has distinguished himself with his dedication to his talmidim, his wisdom and his humility.

Group of Merkos Shluchim Bochurim are Ready for Summer

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Four hundred Bochurim are ready to to begin a summer of Merkos Shlichos. They will be visiting 2,500 cities and over ten thousand communities around the world.

Join Online School Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen

The Online School welcomes you to join our one of a kind Gimmel Tammuz farbrengen!

This experience will incorporate creativity, imagination and a whole lot of learning, in a total immersion into the topic of Moshiach!

Special: Pirsum Rishon Pictures of the Rebbe

Today, Gimmel Tammuz, marks the 16th anniversary of passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. For many it’s a day of reflection and a day in which remember the Rebbe and, moreover, the tremendous dedication the Rebbe had to Klal Yisroel.

In honor of this special day and the Avner Institute would like to present selective photos that are being released for the very first time, from famed photographer Mr. Gadi Hoz of Toronto Canada.

How did Mr. Hoz capture these stunning photos? What was his background? Below we have included a brief bio, including details of how he found his way to the Rebbe and to 770. To learn more about Mr. Hoz’s work or to order prints Click Here.

1000Encounters: Hachlata for Gimmel Tammuz

Last week, a camera crew went on the road to to three Living Torah viewings to discover what people think about the My Encounter with the Rebbe project.

Here is a short clip from their trip to Toronto, Canada, Brooklyn Heights, NY, and Hillside, NJ.

1000th Issue of Kovetz Haoros Ubiurim

On 3 Tammuz 5770, Mareches Haoros Ubiurim Oholei Torah under the direction of Reb Avrohom Gerlitzky will publish the 1000th issue of Kovetz Haoros Ubiurim.

Kovetz Haoros Ubiruim began in the year 5740 and has been published weekly / bi-weekly ever since. The Rebbe would often devote whole portions of his sichos to discuss issues brought up in that week’s kovetz.