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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 52% OFF Freshware Meal Prep Containers, 50 Pack

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Freshware Meal Prep Containers, 50 Pack

1 Compartment Food Storage Containers with Lids

Bento Box, BPA Free, Stackable

Microwave/Dishwasher/Freezer Safe (16 oz)

DEAL PRICE: $14.41 (52% OFF)


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Samaria Wines Win Big; Victor Credits Shemittah Year

Wineries in Judea and Samaria shone at the annual Eshkol Hazahav wine competition this year, taking a total of seven awards. A total of 251 wines were submitted to the competition, and were judged by dozens of experts in a blind taste test.

For G-d or for Azazel – G-dliness Is A Mutually Exclusive Endeavor

By Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, FL


Pronunciation: ˈskāp-ˌgōt

Function: noun

Etymology: scape; intended as translation of Hebrew ʽazāzēl, as if ʽēz ‘ōzēl goat that departs—Lev 16:8(Authorized Version)

Date: 1530

1: a goat upon whose head are symbolically placed the sins of the people after which he is sent into the wilderness in the biblical ceremony for Yom Kippur

2 a: one that bears the blame for others b: one that is the object of irrational hostility – Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary