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Stolen Car Prompts Massive Police Response

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – A car with plates that came back as a stolen vehicle prompted a large police response. The incident began at 6:15pm today, Wednesday on Empire Boulevard and Bedford Avenue where a police van spotted the vehicle and ran its plates which came back as stolen.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

A Stand Against Wal-Mart and, for Now, a Victory

Fernanda Santos – The New York Times

Rabbi Jacob Horowitz, left, and Christopher P. St. Lawrence, a town official, opposed a plan for a Wal-Mart in Monsey, N.Y.

MONSEY, NY — It was Friday afternoon when the developer who had been intent on building a 215,000-square-foot Wal-Mart in this hamlet sent word to the town offices in Ramapo. The fax was terse, but its message clear: “We will not continue to proceed with the development.”

The news that the developer, and potentially Wal-Mart, had scrapped plans it had so diligently worked on gave observant Jews, who make up the bulk of the population here, reason to rejoice.

Yogaiti Umatzasi Ta’amin!

SHAWNEE DELAWARE, PA [CHI] — Onlookers at Shawnee Mountain watched Yisroel sit at the Moshiach Shiur surrounded by teacher Rabbi Eli Sandhaus and classmates. Even away from the classroom, these boys chose to attend this voluntary class. Following the class, fellow skiers watched Yisroel ski with finesse, in a seemingly-effortless glide down the mountain.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Frum Communities Bond in Search Effort

by Robert Wiener – New Jersey Jewish News

Volunteers from Orthodox communities gather at a Jersey City parking lot in a pre-dawn search for Rabbi Zev Segal.

Fittingly for a rabbi known for promoting inter-group cooperation, the search for Zev Segal drew upward of 300 volunteers — Lubavitcher and Satmar hasidim, Modern Orthodox and haredim, as well as members of the non-Orthodox Jewish and general communities.

Farbrengen on the Space Coast Celebrates First Jewish Astronaut, Garrett E. Reisman to Reside on the Space Station

Astronaut Steve Maclean (Left) speaking with Rabbi Zvi Konikov.

A unique Farbrengen (Jewish gathering) was held Monday night at the Cocoa Beach Hilton with family and friends of Garrett Erin Reisman, the first Jewish Astronaut to reside on the International Space Station just hours before Shuttle Endeavor roared towards the Space Station in a spectacular night launch from Kennedy Space Center.

Organizer, Rabbi Zvi Konikov, director of Chabad of the Space & Treasure Coasts first met Dr. Reissman in Israel after the Shuttle Columbia Tragedy. Reisman flew to Israel as NASA’s representative to console Rona Ramon and Ilan’s family. The Ramons travelled from Israel to share in the joy of Reisman’s launch of Shuttle Endeavor to the Space Station. Asaf Ramon, eldest son of the late Ilan Ramon, received a special release from the Israeli Air Force to attend the launch.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Rebbe, I Would like to Donate Money for a ‘big cause’

Ronald Lauder and other Jewish Philanthropists.

“I would like to donate money for a ‘big cause’ – something tremendous, awesome. What does the Rebbe suggest?” the following is an excerpt from the new book on the Rebbe “The Rebbe Inspiring a Generation” to see more on the book see:

The following is an encounter that took place shortly before the Passover holiday, when a philanthropist approached the Rebbe, wanting to make a generous donation to a Chabad institution. Apparently, concerning the definition of a “generous donation,” the Rebbe had different ideas. From this we learn that the “little things” done quietly, behind the scenes, can often prove to be in the Rebbe’s eyes a far greater cause.

The philanthropist waited impatiently outside the Rebbe’s office. Ignoring the swirl of black-coated bodies of students and secretaries around him, he instead concentrated on himself—not without satisfaction, he felt, considering his reasons for coming. No doubt the Rebbe would be impressed as well.

Bloomberg Seeks New Outlet After Radio Show Shake-Up

The New York Times

There was the joke about shooting the police commissioner.

There was the defense of illegal immigrants, because who else “takes care of the greens and the fairways in your golf course?”

There was the concern that pushing them out of the country would make the United States a “piranha,” not a pariah, in the eyes of the world. And there was the description of a tree the Parks Department was cloning as being the one that “George Washington supposedly slept under and had an apple fall on his head, or maybe it was Newton, or one of those guys.”

Annual Maple Street Shul Melava Malka

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – This past Motzoai Shabbos the “Maple Street Shul, Cong. Ahavas Moshe” held their annual Melava Malka. R. Eli Blachman opened the evening with a brief history about the Shul and the support the Rebbe gave it.

More pictures and a video in the Extended Article!

Students Praise University’s First-Ever Kosher Kitchen

Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik, left, co-director of the Chabad Jewish Student Center at Colorado State University, helps students prepare for last week’s Shabbat 100 in the newly-koshered kitchen of the university’s central dining hall.

FORT COLLINS, CO — The Rocky Mountain Collegian student newspaper at Colorado State University in Fort Collins heaped kudos on the Chabad Jewish Student Center serving the school for succeeding in its months-long effort to kosher a kitchen in the main dining hall.

‘Nazi’ Thug $niched for NYPD

NY Post

Ivaylo Ivanov

BROOKLYN, NY — The crazed hatemonger arrested for stashing pipe bombs in his Brooklyn Heights apartment and scrawling swastikas on local synagogues has worked as a paid confidential informant for the NYPD.

The startling disclosure that the shadowy Ivaylo Ivanov, 37, was employed as a witness for hire emerged in a public hearing in Brooklyn Criminal Court last Tuesday, where red-faced prosecutors were forced to drop charges against a businessman for alleged possession of stolen property after Ivanov’s involvement in the case surfaced.

In that case, Officer Eddie Lau, of Park Slope’s 78th Precinct, last July used Ivanov to launch a criminal case against Abdul Rehium, an Egyptian national who owns Computer Wiz, a Flatbush Avenue store that buys and sells new and used electronic gear, court records reveal.

Pre-Purim Carnival: Families have holiday fun

Christine Pizzuti – Poughkeepsie Journal

Chaya Hecht, 5, and her brother, JJ, 4, make sand art at one of the game stations at the Pre-Purim Festival at the Congregation Agudas Achim in Kingston on Sunday.

KINGSTON, NY — In anticipation of Purim, the celebration of the rescue of Jews from Ancient Persia, Chabad Lubavitch of Ulster County held a Pre-Purim Carnival Sunday at the Congregation Agudas Achim in Kingston, complete with fire juggling and a “Guess How Many Hamantaschen Are in the Jar” table.

Staying Grounded

Sue Fishkoff – J Post

By the time Matisyahu loped onstage for what had been billed for days as a surprise appearance at last week’s Jewlicious festival – an annual event organized by Beach Hillel at the Long Beach JCC – it was a surprise only to festival organizers.

Whoever Said “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” Never Ate at Yale’s Chabad House

Alexis Fitts – New Haven Advocate

NEW HAVEN, CT — I’m a Jew of the stomach: bagels and schmear, kugel and latkes are as spiritual as I get. My mother was raised by post-Holocaust transplants of Eastern Europe—a nervously practicing bunch—and the ideology seeped between generations. I wasn’t bat mitzvahed, I’ve never been to synagogue, and the closest I get to religion is washing away my neuroses with a blanket disclaimer: “I’m Jewish!”

Alleged Vandal of Chasidic Master’s Tomb Arrested in Ukraine

Tamar Runyan –

Last week, vandals scrawled swastikas on
Jewish graves in Berdichev, Ukraine. They
targeted the tomb of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak,
an 18th-century Chasidic master.

BERDICHEV, Ukraine — Police in Berdichev, Ukraine, arrested the leader of a new anti-Semitic group responsible for vandalizing the tomb of 18th-century Chasidic master, according to Rabbi Moshe Thaler, a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary there.

Thaler discovered the damage to the building March 2. He found windows smashed and part of a wall missing. The structure houses the grave of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev, one of the students of the Baal Shem Tov’s successor, the Maggid of Mezrich. He was a contemporary of the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.

When Thaler returned the following day, the wall had been broken down completely and someone had scratched a swastika into the building’s door. Police, along with Mayor Masily Mazur, visited the site March 4 and opened an investigation.