Israeli Residents Cope With Increased Barrage of Palestinian Rockets

Tamar Runyan –

Volunteers with Chabad-Lubavitch of Ashkelon, Israel, deliver toys and boy games to the city’s schools after officials banned recess in the wake of Palestinian rocket attacks.

ASHKELON, Israel — Palestinian-fired rockets continued to fall on Israel’s southern cities yesterday, even as Israeli troops withdrew from the Gaza Strip after a five day operation designed to bring a halt to the incessant attacks.

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What are you doing for your Purim program this Year?

Here comes another hit from the International Moshiach Campaign! ‘Hang Haman Live’ is a beautiful live action game where your community can feel like they are superstars right at your Purim event!

Hang Haman Live! is simple to use. All you need is a projector or computer screen and you’re all set to go!

Download ‘Hang Haman Live!’ FREE AT

A Sicha for the month of Adar

The Rebbe says:

1. The Mishnah states, “When the Hebrew month of Av begins we hold back our joy”.

The Talmud supplements the Mishnah’s statement with, “Just as when the month of Av begins we restrain our joy, so too when the month of Adar begins we increase our joy”.

2. The Rebbe now analyzes this Talmudic statement:

The Talmud’s words, “Just as when the month of Av begins we restrain our joy, so too when the month of Adar begins we increase our joy”, implies that the leading principal is the Mishnah’s clearly stated law that “during the month of Av we curtail our joy”, while the law “when the month of Adar begins we increase our joy” is only secondary.

Ex-NFL Player Goes from Shoulder Pads to Prayer Shawl

Shlomo Veingrad’s broad shoulders are wrapped in a prayer shawl, and at six-foot-five, he towers over the other Orthodox Jewish congregants at the Coral Springs Chabad. He hoists the heavy Torah scroll over his head with ease: Those same long, mighty arms spent seven years shoving aside NFL defensive linemen to clear space for Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith.

As an offensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys from 1986 to 1993, Alan Veingrad, 44, a Miami Sunset High grad, wore giant shoulder pads under his jersey. Now, his undergarments are ”tzitzit” — knotted fringes that serve as a reminder of his commitment to Judaism.

Tuesday: Shiur in 770

“27 Adar I – what does the Rebbe say about it?” by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Tuesday night, in 770 from 8:30 to 9:30pm
*Part 2 of the shiur on the Maamer “Veata Tetzave”
(This is also for those that haven’t participated in the first shiur).


What is a Rebbe? (Special for Chof Zayin Adar)

What is a Rebbe? What is the secret to a Rebbe? Can any human being become a Rebbe? The following is an excerpt from the new book on The Rebbe “The Rebbe inspiring a Generation” to see more see link:
it is a question-and-answer session among a group of college students from Colombia University that took place in the summer of 1951 With the Rebbe, shortly after the Rebbe assumed the mantle of leadership.

Q: What is a Rebbe?

A: A Rebbe is one whose soul also includes the souls of his Chassidim. When a Chassid comes to the Rebbe with a problem, he tries to find in the Rebbe the part of his soul which is included in the Rebbe’s and connect it with his soul, and thus be connected with the Rebbe’s soul. It is through this connection that the Chassid receives his material and spiritual life and needs.

Hundreds of Bochurim Learn in Unison

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Around 1000 Bochurim from three Yeshivos in Crown Heights gathered in 770 last night, and studied in unison. Bochurim from Lubavitcher Yeshiva Chovevei Torah, Oholei Torah and Lubavitch Yeshiva 770 sat in downstairs 770, in place of their regular Zal, for Night Seder. The Bochurim sat and learned the last Maamer the Rebbe distributed “V’atta Tetzaveh”.

The gathering was organized by the Hanholas of the Yeshivos.

More pictures in the Extended Article!