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Holy Sheep – The Far Reaching Effects of Shlichus

By Lazer Avtzon

Approximately 25 years ago, I, together with another seven Bachurim from Oholei Torah merited to be sent by the Rebbe on Shlichus for two years from Oholei Torah to Casablanca, Morocco.

In addition to our mission of learning in the Yeshiva between ourselves and also with members of the community, our outreach to the community at large was through the activities of Tzivot Hashem under the leadership and guidance of the late Shliach, Reb Yehuda Leib (Leibel) Raskin OBM.

Kosher Meals at University Leave Students Hungry for More

Mimi Notik –

Keeping kosher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

URBANA, IL — The other night, a group of about 100 Jewish students were enjoying their dinner in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Allen Hall dining area, when another came bursting through the doors screaming, “Yea! Kosher!”

Gmach Shomrei Shabbos Melava Malka

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — This Motzoei Shabbos at Beis Menachem Nochum, Gmilath Chasodim Shomrei Shabbos held their annual melava malka. The Gmach plays a vital role in our community, assisting hundreds of families and many organizations in the time of need.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Info to be Menachem Avel the Lipskier Family

The Lipskier family will be sitting shivah after the passing of their mother, Mrs Taibel Lipskier OBM, at 1458 President St, [between Kingston and Albany Ave].

They need 5 minyanim, the davening schedule as follows:

Shacharis: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 and 10:00 AM.
(The 5th minyan will coincide with either of the later minyanim, depending on the amount of people).

Minchah: 3:15 PM (First 2 minyanim).
The other 3 minyanim Bizmanah.

Ma’ariv: Bizmanah

Condolences can be called in to (718) 771-6457.

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Shalom to Aspen’s New Chabad House

Carolyn Sackariason – Aspen Times News

Construction of a new 34,000-square-foot synagogue on Main Street in Aspen will begin this spring. (Arthur Chabon/Chabon Architects)

ASPEN, CO — Progress is being made for Aspen’s Jewish community as the city’s first synagogue is about to be constructed.

Through his art, Yitzchok Moully captures the vibrancy of the Hasidic world

Bob Makin – Courier News Online

BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Yitzchok Moully poses for a picture in front of a mounting of his pop-art, as his 2-year-old son, Sholom, wiggles in his arms.

For the youth director of the Chabad Jewish Center of Basking Ridge, the photo freezes a moment in a dichotomous world, where the bright colors of Moully’s Andy Warhol-influenced art applied to the black-and-white of his Hasidic Jewish faith are balanced with and grounded by a growing family.

Op-Ed: A Shlucha’s reply to “The Forgotten Girls”

By Shaina Rosenfeld – Shlucha to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Editors note After receiving an overwhelming amount of responses to the Op-Ed “The Forgotten Girls” we’ve chosen to run the following Op-Ed in response.

With personal interest, I read the latest Op-Ed on I myself worked for shluchim in an out-of-the-way city in the USA for two years. On many, if not all, points, I have a hard time identifying with the author of this article. Instead of relating directly to the authors complaints, let’s discuss the general issue.

Why do girls go out to work for shluchim, out of all things?

Hopefully, the answer is to join in the Rebbe’s shlichus. If it’s anything else- to pass the time till they get married, to make some money, to do something fulfilling with their time, to get out of Crown Heights, ‘cuz it’s the ‘in’ thing to do…..

Senator Adams Visits Darchai Menachem

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – This past Friday New York State Senator Eric Adams (D, Brooklyn) visited Crown Heights’s Yeshivas Darchai Menachem. Mr. Adams first met with the school’s principal Rabbi Eyal Bension who explained to him what makes Darchai Menachem such a unique school.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Fundraising Lecture at the Kollel starting Sunday

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Rabbi Yisroel Brod will be giving a series of lectures, starting today, Sunday, 8 PM, for 4 consecutive nights at the Kollel. He will give a general overview and detail direction to help participants develop their fundraising skills.

Full flyer with more info in the Extended Article!

Elana Kasle Safely Flown To Michigan

The building of the Chaya Aydel Seminary.

HALLANDALE BEACH, FL [CHI] — Thursday 24 Shvat, on the 120th Yahrzeit of Rebbitzen Menuchah Rochel, zy”a, Elana Leah bas Sheindel Rochel Kasle was Boruch Hashem safely flown on an ambulance jet to Michigan, where she is now in a “interim” rehab center in Southfield, Michigan, minutes away from her home.

Boruch Dayan Haemes – Mrs. Frieda Rappoport OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Frieda Rappoport mother of Yibodel Lechaim Tovim R’ Moshe Rappoport of Zurich, Switzerland.

The Levaya took place on Thursday, 24 Shvat.

Nichum Aveilim till Wednesday morning at 1467 54th Street, Brooklyn NY 11219 (Boro Park).
Phone: 718 438 1320

Shachris – 7:30 am (Sunday – 8:00 am)
Mincha – 5:10 pm
Maariv – Bizmanoi

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Chof Beis Shevat in Manchester

MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — Once again the ladies of Nshei Chabad, Manchester, excelled themselves, both in the ruchnius and gashius aspect of their Chof Beis Shvat Evening. Beis Menachem was transformed into a very feminine pink and cerise setting, with the buffet consisting of ‘scrumptious salads’ ‘delectable desserts and a fantastic fruit table.

More pictures in the Extended Article!