Chof Beis Shevat in Manchester

MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — Once again the ladies of Nshei Chabad, Manchester, excelled themselves, both in the ruchnius and gashius aspect of their Chof Beis Shvat Evening. Beis Menachem was transformed into a very feminine pink and cerise setting, with the buffet consisting of ‘scrumptious salads’ ‘delectable desserts and a fantastic fruit table.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The evening was MC’d by Batya Landes and opened with the recitation of the Rebbetzins kapital and kapital chof for all those who need a Refuah – this was followed by the now famous Nshei Chabad ladies choir who sang for the first time a new song about the Rebbetzin.

The highlight of our evening was our guest speaker, Mrs. Louise Hager from London – to say she had us spellbound would be an understatement – we heard stories and facts about the Rebbetzin that we had never heard before as she spoke about the very close connection she had with the Rebbetzin since a teenager.

A Duch was passed round the ladies to sign and over 90 signatures were faxed to the Ohel.


  • yeshivayeshivathatstheplace to be

    finally normal shluchim in manchester after 40 years……
    way to go rabbi’s Cohens …..
    born and raised in manchester and have moved on with my life…

  • Woman

    the cohens are great but this was neshei chabad. which is run wonderfuly by Rivka Wineberg and Leah Cohen.
    they do a great job!