Bochur Wandering Semi-Dressed in front of 770

Bochur walking on Kingston. Illustration photo.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — It was a bizarre sight for some Yidden walking in and out of 770 this Motzoei Shabbos. A Bochur wandering in front of 770 without a coat, pants or even shoes , and one passerby deemed it appropriate to call Shomrim to have the situation checked out.

When Shomrim members arrived on scene they took the Bochur inside and dressed him with a long coat and began investigating what has taken place.

More in the Extended Article!

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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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Mens Mikvas Pose Health Hazard, Hatzalah Warns

Matthew Wagner – JPost

The entry system at Mikva Meir. Illustration Photo by: Spotlight Design.

JERUSALEM, Israel — Dozens of men’s mikvaot (ritual baths) across the nation are a potential health hazard due to poor accessibility, United Hatzalah of Israel, the haredi rapid-response first aid organization, has warned

“If, God forbid, there is a major crisis in a mikve, such as a gas explosion, poisoned water or a collapsed roof, I don’t want to think of the consequences,” Hatzalah spokesman Yerach Toker said on Wednesday.

Historic District Rejects Synagogue


LITCHFIELD, CT — An orthodox Jewish group and the borough of Litchfield moved one step closer to a court battle over religious freedom on Thursday night after the historic district commission denied the organization’s application to turn a Victorian home into a synagogue.

For the past six months, Rabbi Joseph Eisenbach of the Chabad-Lubavitch congregation has been meeting with the commission about his plans to restore a house on West Street and build an addition of about 20,000 square feet on the edge of the town’s historic district.

The Largest Turnout Ever to a Precinct Council Meeting, Residents Leave Fuming…

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Precinct Council meetings are held once a month and serve as a forum where residents the of communities that reside within the confines of the 71st Precinct to gather and raise concerns regarding crimes and nuisances. The turnout to yesterdays meeting was described as the largest turnout ever, said one attendee, that in all his 20 years attending these meetings he has never seen the auditorium that full.

The meeting began 15 minutes late, due to the children’s holiday party that took place before the meeting, and opened as usual, with the precinct council president, Mr. C. Karl Cohen thanking everyone for coming and recognizing dignitaries and elected officials. He also made note of the obvious presence of over 200 Jewish residents, which included mothers, fathers and even some children.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Tragic Accident Claims Lives of Jewish Educators in Australia

Joshua Runyan –

SYDNEY, Australia — Australia’s Jewish community was in shock Friday morning, one day after a horrific car accident along the main Sydney-to-Melbourne highway took the lives of longtime members Zev and Rochel Simons.

According to Australian news reports, the couple perished when the Toyota minivan driven by Rochel Simons, 48, crossed the median and was struck by a tanker truck. The driver of the truck, a 39-year-old man whose identity was not released by authorities, also died in the crash. Wreckage and the threat of fuel igniting blocked traffic on the arterial Hume Highway in both directions for hours.