CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — It was a bizarre sight for some Yidden walking in and out of 770 this Motzoei Shabbos. A Bochur wandering in front of 770 without a coat, pants or even shoes , and one passerby deemed it appropriate to call Shomrim to have the situation checked out.
When Shomrim members arrived on scene they took the Bochur inside and dressed him with a long coat and began investigating what has taken place.
More in the Extended Article!
Bochur Wandering Semi-Dressed in front of 770
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — It was a bizarre sight for some Yidden walking in and out of 770 this Motzoei Shabbos. A Bochur wandering in front of 770 without a coat, pants or even shoes , and one passerby deemed it appropriate to call Shomrim to have the situation checked out.
When Shomrim members arrived on scene they took the Bochur inside and dressed him with a long coat and began investigating what has taken place.
More in the Extended Article!
At first the Bochur did not know where he was, and had a strong stench of alcohol on his breath. He slowly began remembering what had taken place, he said he was drinking in a Shul on Crown Street and when he left to go home and apparently made a mistake, went the wrong direction and got lost.
The Bochur, who is here from Israel, stated he was 20 years old, and lives on Empire Boulevard, but he somehow ended up on Atlantic Avenue. Another passerby approached one of the Shomrim members and told him that he saw two black men walking the Bochur from the direction of Atlantic to 770, where they left him.
Shomrim alerted Hatzalah to have him checked out, due to his short term memory loss, and they determined that he is medically sound.
A Shomrim member then took the Bochur home together with a friend of his to keep an eye on him.
In case of an emergency never hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7
Why do you have to publicize these kind of things?
has this happend before
Lubavitcher from birth
We need to ban ALCAHOL in lubavitch NOW!!
Enough is enough!!
This is sick.
ok, this is why its cool to live in crown heights. all the fun stuff happen right here
and all you guys thought living in CH was boring….
Shomrim Fan
go shomrim!!
Mr. Al. Kohawlik
wow, this is just beautiful! the alcohol consumption in our neighborhood by underage kids has dropped to a new low.
It is embarrassing to see the amounts of alcohol that are consumed by young bochurim – KIDS – in the Chabad community. it is a chilul lubavitch, chilul hashem and explicitly against what the rebbe wants!!
to see kids that are as young as thirteen years old being posed with the question “on you on white or yellow?” is terrible, these kids should have no idea. LETS NOT FORGET… drinking UNDER 21 is ILLEGAL!!
Drinking is NOT Chassidish. Drinking is NOT cool! Drinking in excessive amounts is DANGEROUS, ILLEGAL and IRRESPONSIBLE!
Also, it is important to point out that it is illegal to give kids alcohol! i am not saying that one lcahim here and there is a bad thing… but somehow our kids have come to think that alcohol is cool, fun and what’s worse is, mashpiim and older bochurim make them think that it is chasiddish and make you more mekusher or a better bochur!
Something MUST be done to control the alcohol situation around here!
I’m sure Eber’s doesnt think it is a problem, and i think that might be a place to start! Also Benz’s selling beer to bochurim… all of these issues must be addressed. The alcohol issue must be addressed in the HOME, in the YESHIVA and in the SHUL!
Alcohol has become a PROBLEM in our Shchunah! WE MUST DO SOMETHING!
Moshiach NOW! L’Chaim!
curious george
..what happened to his pants?!?!
What was the point of publishing this piece of news? Actually, take that back. This is not news. This is gossip.
all of our mosdos have to address such issues as:
how friends should watch each other while drinking
how to drink responsibly
many other issues involved here.
big kiddush lubavitch story.
please take this artcle OFF the site as it will embarrass the bocher once he sobers up!!
annoyed reader
Stories posted like this cause a great deal of Loshon Harah, not to mention embarrassment to the victim. This was not news worthy.
No one mentioned the kind actions of the African American men who escorted the bochur to safety.
If is responsible, you will take this story down. it’s about time you show some responsibility with such issues and think twice before publishing news stories just to get some comments@@@ shame on you!
I’ve seen numerous times that Ebers do NOT sell alcohol to minors.
he was obviously robbed- that’s what happened to his coats and pants and shoes. people have been shot in NY over sneakers or a jacket- although in this case someone may have mugged him just to be mean. do we know for sure it wasn’t the 2 guys who dropped him off OUTSIDE 770, with no pants on? why didn’t they walk him home? Why isn’t anyone invesitigating that part of the story?
to Mr. Al. Kohawlik
Amen brother!
to all of you who cry loshon hora and bury your heads in the sand.
this is an issue which needs addressing and if this is a way to shock thsi bochur into action that’s not a bad thing either.
when he decided to walk half-naked down EP he sort of gave up any claim to be concerned about adverse publicity. It’s not as if this site is publicising something that weas otherwise private.
First Matis Leaves Chabad and now this. What will be next?
y-Ossi V
i don’t think the guy would remember any thing any way, and even if he does he can’t ready english.
our proud brothers that don’t give a hoop about any-thing in this community.
Concerened parent
Re: Eber
I walked into Eber’s store with my 18 year old son and boughr some mashke. Mr. Eber refused to give the heavy bottle to my son to take out of the store as he is a minor.
He definitely does not sell liquor to minors.
At fault are the parents, mosdos and general atmosphere that mashke is the “in” thing.
When the “mashpiim” push farbrengens with mashke and people like Garelik get drunk on a regular basis this is what our youth learns to emulate.
HOw many times did we see the Rebbe OB”M get drunk? We wear thre hat he did, the same sirtuk et. So why don’t we emulate the serious way he farbrenged?
walking pair of pants
to: what happened to his pants
his pants kept on walking without him
i second everything thst was written above re taking action for alcholism in our community. It is time we become responsible and stop ruining the kids and the wonderful name of Lubavitch.
Mosh from ch
we need this story, so we can learn
1. to watch are kids to know what they are doing and where they are and who is responsible for them.
2. watch the alcohol form ppl that dont need it or should not be getting it.
annoyed at
inappropriate to publish this. people will know who that was and I am sure the boy will be terribly embarrassed. this should have been handled discreetly and the boy should get help but publisizing it was out of line.
it-s winter
I want to know how he was able to wander so far without anyone noticing he is half-dressed? Those Blacks were very nice to help him, but where were his FELLOW CHASSIDIM?? He had to have passed a few!
to Mr. Al. Kohawlik wrote 1 & 2
wo wo wo hold ur horses.
yes drinking is a problam – but its a problam all over the world – lets be realistic while there are some bochrim that abuse it the majorty of majoritis of bochrim are not big drinkers – just becuse once in a while you meet some one who said lechaim – and he makes a lot of noise – its kinda like the few mishichistim who run around with flags and pins and make a whole act out of it – does that mean that most of lubavitch had pins and flags?
no – and the same is for drinking – most buchrim in lubavitch are serios guys who sit and learn and do mivtziom – and at farbrangins listin to the maspia inspiering them to become better chassidim – not the one story a year were the guy walks around with out pants…..
I do agree that for whatever good intention put this up – it is out of place and ur comments make it look like this happends daily but then again thats my opion and i dont have to worry about ratings
what shul?
did anybody mention the shul that this took place in? if it’s the one I think, they have been pumping food AND mashke into the Israeli bochurim, and need to be held reasponsible!
This poor Israeli kid is not at home, etc and the yeshiva(if he’s in yeshiva) and places he davens should look out for him
Whoever brought up Ebers, has a major issue.
Firstly, it’s one of the nicest, most pleasant shopping experiences in Crown Heights. Secondly, I was in there just the other week and he was asking someone to see his ID.
Let’s go back to basics and start with education at the home and school!
LocaL Doctor
and he was deemed “medically sound” by hatzolah. that is wrong and illegal on their part. As for putting up this article, I think it is a good idea to show people the effects of the much loved hassidic pass time “drinking”. so bottoms up and lehaim
me myself and i
Their are 2 ways of dealing with such problems.
one hide it, avoid it, shy away, and have a nice day…
or for the people that are in charge, who ever that may be weather in yeshivas or in 770 or baal habatim in their own homes, or even some shulls that dont supply wine to make kidush on…
to see this article and take action, so you may be upset this article has gone up, but bc if many more poeple will be carfull
Concerened parent …excellent comment!
we should be emulating the Rebbe in all that he did….icreasing our learning, increasing our ahavas yisroel….thats the way we bring moshiach!
In response to Mr. Al. Kohawlik:
As i FULLY and 100% agree with what you posted (how can one not?) – i must say that growing up in the lubavitch “system” – too many times i have learned IN SCHOOL about the POWER of a Farbregen… that we give mashke to push aside the nefesh habihamis – so we can connect on a deeper level and yadda yada yadda… so when people say its not chassidish to drink, well WAKE UP PEOPLE !!!! it HAS become chassidish to drink… the boys are ENCOURAGED to drink to “loosen up” (comon, ever see a real chassdish guy crying at a farby? its every teachers dream to see his bochurim being so pnimiyusdik!)
So while i agree with you that its 100% DISGUSTING etc.. i have to admit, that it seems to be that in ALLLLL mosdos, drinking is unfortunately, NOT frowned upon.
whatch out, don’t loss your pants
Hi to abba. i went with out pants in CH
found pants
for those that are wondering where his pants are and think he was robbed, the whole story about landing up at atlantic avenue is not true, because he was actually in a house that is under construction banging the walls and breaking windows and when the owner found out and came over he ran out and left his hat, pants and shoes at the house.
to unhappy
to unhappy:
i’ll tell you what the point of this article is. the point is that drinking caused the boy to act like he did. when he sobers up and finds out that the whole town knows the story, he will most surely think twice before drinking again. it is also a wake up call to our lovely neighborhood that there is a serious drinking problem going on. just because a problem is covered up, does not mean that the problem doesn’t exist. i think a half naked bochur is a better way to learn a lesson, then, say, a young guy who dies from alcohol poisoning.
Serious Problem
If this site published more stories like this, there would be half a dozen each week easy.
Alcoholism is a serious problem in the community, especially among those of student age. Drinking is culturaly encouraged with all the farbergens, simchas, etc.
AA is full of Yids in their 30’s or 40’s who have lost their families, jobs, self respect, everything due to a problem that was encouraged, and overlooked.
To all those who said “why do you publish this should take it down..”, shame on you! This community, as all other chassidish communites need to stop acting like problems don’t exist, or that it’s shameful to publicly discuss them. The greater shame is in ignoring it and doing nothing, while this and other societal ills ravage the community, our youth, and our heritage and legacy.
May our courage, and honesty merit the coming of Moshiach in our lifetime
Chassidisher Farbrengen
When I was in Yeshiva, there were several mashpi’im that enforced that bochurim did not say L’chaim on more then 4 “keletchkelach”.
The Rebbe did not ban alcohol, the Rebbe said that there is a limit. Staying within that limit under the guidance of a mashpia at a chassidishe farbrengen can be extremely beneficial and helps mold us into Chassidishe bochurim and yungelite.
Those that abuse it, would abuse it just the same if they were not lubabs and living in defferent neighbourhoods etc.
What should be banned by all parents and mosdos etc. for guys under 21, is beer, smirnoff ice etc. that is used for the the purpose of “grobkeit” and not in the context of a chassidishe farbrengen.
Likewise when parents and baalei batim etc. make a point of spending a lot of extra $$$ on single molts or fancy vodkas etc. at Shul Kiddushim or farbrengens etc. that is surely sending the wrong message as well.
Mr. Al. Kohawlik
To all those who responded to me in disagreement.
These opinions of course are mine, it is what i THINK. A man is allowed to think!.
Just to address two issues:
On the *********** and *********** issue…
i have personally seen both of these stores sell to minors! in fact, i too am guilty, when i was young and stupid i went to buy liquor at ebers at the age of 19 and wasn’t stopped… that’s only five years ago – i’m not some old man who thinks he knows everything, i’m a bochur who who originates from out of town, and everyone that i know from out of town can’t believe how much alcohol we consume in lubavitch – quite frankly they are disgusted by it!
you must not have been to a farbrengen in a yeshivah lately…
You said: “most buchrim in lubavitch are serios guys who sit and learn and do mivtziom – and at farbrangins listin to the maspia inspiering them to become better chassidim”. … if you would only pen your eyes you would see that sadly the last part of your statement is not true anymore! Yes bochurim are B”H leaning and doing Mivtzoim, but farbrengens have sadly become a joke!.
you also stated that alcohol is a problem in the whole world… so you do admit that it’s a problem here at home… well then… LETS START BY FIXING THE PROBLEM HERE, then we will worry about other places… after CH we can go into Brownsville and Bed-Sty if you like!
Again, Moshiach NOW! and Lchaim! (i am allowed four l’chaims, right?)
To anonymous:
To anonymous:
The blacks obviously couldn’t walk him home, because they had no idea where he lives: Firstly, he was drunk, and secondly, apparently, he’s Israeli — so perhaps he doesn’t speak English.
Chill Out!
Wow, one guy drops his pants and now the whole Lubavitch is going down!
People, grow up. THIS is called stereotyping, if s/o out of Lubavitch did it we would be up in arms.
nobody should start blaming the alcohol!
just when someone drinks you need to have someone watching them!
to cb
“nobody should start blaming the alcohol!”
Indeed, we should not blame the aclohol, we should blame a dysfunctional system that promotes, encourages and condones exessive drinking of said alcohol – as means to become “chassidish” and “spiritual” and “inpsired”.
“just when someone drinks you need to have someone watching them!”
Watching people drink is a solution to what exactly? Does it become okay for a 14 year old to drink as long as his “mashpia” is “supervising”??
to to Mr. Al. Kohawlik wrote 1 & 2 wrot
Perhaps it’s time for you to take your head out of the sand and stop deluding yourself.
You classify the weekly drunken revelry that takes place in the back of 770 (and many other shuls) as “once in a while you meet some one who said lechaim”?? Or perhaps I somehow manage miss the mashpia in the crowd inspiring the masses…..
Been there, done that
No, even if it is ok chassidish wise, it is still disgusting!!! I have friends who I stopped soeaking with as a result of their excessive alcohol consumption. It is a coarse and unrefined habit, and something coarse and unrefined is in no way chassidish !!
A bochur loses control when under the influence. If he has too nany lechaims, he may be led to do something inapropriate, and sinning is definitely not CHASSIDISH!!! he may speak to a member of the opposite gender (this is very common) or speak with inapropriate language. He may walk around undressed, as this bochur did, as this too is fairly common. I have seen bochurim behave this way at weddings, coming up to girls, walking aroud with their shirts unbuttoned…. it is disgusting!! Something needs to be done. It is not only the alcohol, but the sinful effects of it.
bochur in CH
By now you all probably got over the initial shock of the pants dropping incident. but to all those who are concerned that the guys are abusing alcohol, all in the name of being chasidish at a farbrengen, that is not the case. i’ll let you all know, that those who drink until they are bathing is their own vomit, do not intend to be chasidish at the farby. the ones who are farbrenging with the right intent, do not create this disgusting image of bochurim today. what i am trying to say is, that those who walk around with damaged livers and no brain cells, are not drinking in the name of a farbrengen.
truth prevails
cb: you are wrong;if someone cannot control how much he drinks then he shouldnt be drinking at all.
and to all the people that are opposed to this article being published:
this is a website that sheds light on events going on in the lubavitch communties,good or bad,and to my knowledge the only one who isnt scared to tell the world the truth like it is. So, if you would like to live in denial, please go elsewhere or simply do not bash this website and it’s honest authors with your silly comments.
to thank you again for the truth.
read this… a mashpia can give mashke if its part of the curriculum
its not ilegel…
this is nuts
ha ha ha this is funny
ooy i wonder if he will ever find a shidduch
Maybe it’s the Russian origins of Lubavitch that influence all the drinking, especially ”wodka…”
It was fine in the days when all you had to eat was a potato, a shtickel of old herring, and cup of vodka, but here in the USA it’s NOT Russia!!
ALCOHOL IS BAD FOR YOU!! By the way, so is smoking…Yossel
If you drink like a Bihayma (animal) then you will be one (when you have one two many).
If you drink like a Nefesh Elokise I.e. you hear a good word by a Farbrangen that really touches you and you say l’chaim then you should be o.k. (of course you must still stay within the limits that the Rebbe has put in to place.
One sin brings to another.
One Mitzva brings to another.
Sometimes you do something that you don’t know if it was the right thing to do or not.
When will you find out?
If later you do something that you really know to be a sin or Mitzva with out a doubt.
Another thing:
There is never an excuse to throw food, hit somebody/slap, destroy property, and scream in the streets like a maniac (even if it’s a Chassidic niggun) etc… all in the name of getting drunk by a farbrengen. If you can’t Halt Cup (hold your head) don’t drink! (say l’chaim on water).
“to cb” wrote: “Watching people drink is a solution to what exactly? Does it become okay for a 14 year old to drink as long as his “mashpia” is “supervising”??”
Yes! Absolutely! Taking mashke is an essential part of a chassidishe farbrengen, and it is absolutely right that a 14-year-old bochur takes one lechayim, under the supervision of a mashpia. What is not necessary, and what the mashpia needs to prevent, is that he takes more than one.
The Rebbe said that mashke is like the water of a spring, which is metaher bemashehu. Nobody would suggest that because people drown therefore we should not go to the mikveh! One has to go to the mikveh, and take care not to drown. And one has to take mashkeh, but take care not to get lost in it.
A bar-mitzvah boy should take one lechayim, and as he grows up he should work his way up to two or three and eventually four. And those four should between them not have more than a revi’is! And all of this only at a farbrengen, not stam azoy, zich ontrinken vi a nit-id. How should a bochur learn this? From his mashpia.
To “Mr. Al. Kohawlik” who is so worked up because drinking under 21 IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!! OY!!!! VEY!!!! I am not impressed. So what if it’s illegal? Since when do we care what laws a stupid Congress makes. Chinuch al taharas hakodesh is also illegal. We live as yidden, we do what’s right because it’s right, not because someone made a law. And when a law is stupid we ignore it, as we should. Don’t try to impress me with “ILLEGAL”. Bochurim drinking moderately is a good thing, a positive thing, a chassidishe thing, and no law is going to stop it. But it must be moderate, not because of the law but because of the Rebbe and because it’s right.
To: Lubavitcher from birth
We Need to start learning how to spell, unless your also drunk
Someone wrote a comment once as follows:
“It’s ok to act crazy and have a little stir from normalcy once in a while! ——- And anyway since when was Chabad normal!”???
I replyed to him then:
Chabad= Chochma
Dash = Intellect (Means…)
1. the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands, as distinguished from that by which one feels and that by which one wills; the understanding; the faculty of thinking and acquiring knowledge.
2. Capacity for thinking and acquiring knowledge, esp. of a high or complex order; mental capacity.
3. A particular mind or intelligence, esp. of a high order.
4. A person possessing a great capacity for thought and knowledge.
5. Minds collectively, as of a number of persons or the persons themselves.
in•tel•lect (ntl-kt)
The ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding.
The ability to think abstractly or profoundly. See Synonyms at mind.
A person of great intellectual ability.
Main Entry: in•tel•lect
Pronunciation: ‘int-&l-“ekt
Function: noun
1: the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will: the capacity for knowledge
2: the capacity for rational or intelligent thought —in•tel•lec•tu•al /”int-&l-‘ek-ch(&-w)&l, -‘eksh-w&l/ adjective —in•tel•lec•tu•al•ly adverb
n 1: knowledge and intellectual ability; “he reads to improve his mind”; “he has a keen intellect” [syn: mind]
2: the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination; “we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil” [syn: reason, understanding]
3: a person who uses the mind creatively [syn: intellectual]
If you are a Chabad Chossid and you learn Chasidise (Tanya and the like) you will find that it is Chabad= Chochma ,Bina & Dash = Intellect, that make use different then all other Chassidim.When a Chabad Chossid is Saying L’Chaim by a Chabad Farbrengen he should be strengthening is Chabad Attributes not the other way around.
A Chabad Chossid (By learning) is supposed use him Mochin (mind) and not get so excited about every thing (like the other Chassidim = ChaKase) Even our excitement has to pass throw intellect/mind/Our Chabad first.
We find that every time the Rebbe would (from our point of view, with our tiny, half blind-if not fully- eyes) let loose (Ke’veyochol) it was always with “Mochim/Intellect”.
I.e. Purim has it’s reasons and Simchas Torah it’s reasons.
It’s already brought up, so I will continue on another point…
From the above, there is no reason why a Bocher or anybody that considers himself a Chabad Chossid to get “Shiker” Drunk, there is no excuse for bad behavior.
I.e. A chossid says L’chaim (he does not “have a drink”), when does he say a L’chaim?
When a fellow Jew (be who it may be) says a good word (either a Devar Torah or a Chassidic story etc…) and that touches him, it inspires him (intellectually), then he says a L’Chaim (so it should really sink in).
What happens if some stam drinks?
Do really have to answer that, we all know.
If you think about it, if a Chossid did not proper (learn) before yom-tov, it should really be very hard for him to Davven or even dance on Simchas Torah.
Personally, I don’t say L’Chaim unless said on something (like I explained above).
Before Purim or Simchas Torah, If I did not do the proper learning (proper perorations)
I will not allow my self to say too many L’Chaim.
If you drink like a Biyama/animal, you will no doubt act like one when you get “Drunk”.
If you (don’t “drink” but) say L’chaim like a Nefesh Elokise, then you will with no doubt be able to maintain your Intellect/Mochin/Chabad and only good things can come out of it.
In short: Chabad is very normal.
Are you sure you’re in the right place?!!?
no more then four
it took more then 12 hour’s for anyone to remember that the Rebbe said not to have more then four lechims before the age of 40.
the guy from the basement.
drinking alcohol is in no way chassidish… if someone gets drunk and passes out… then misses mincha, or maariv, forgets to bench or something of the sort…. this is not chassidish… and set aside chassidus.. it is againt yiddishkeit bichlal!
I am not Lubavitch, but became frum through them. It is ONLY because of the very obvious alcohol problem in the community that I am steering my kids toward Breslov, where alcohol is frowned on, if not shunned altogether (except Pesech and Purim). You guys really can’t mekarav people by pushing booze on them. It’s gross. I say this with deep Hakares Hatov to Lubavitch for all they have done for me and with love too…but PLEASE ban all alcohol for bochurim.
boruch ben tzvi(A H)hakohaine hoffinger
Big deal. Nobody’s perfect. He didn’t know his alcohol tolerance.
When Moshiach comes (nu, come already!) people won’t be ashamed of walking around naked. Perhaps the drinking brought out his ‘pintele yid?’
Where’s our sense of humor?
Lighten up. Have a drink! But don’t lose your pants!
Yeah, this article should be taken off…..gosh can you imagine how embarrassed the bachur is…c’mon…
a concerned mother
I will send my sons to msinagdish yeshivos and teach them chassidus at home. I will not have my son wandering the streets of a strange city (one in which his parents do not live) drunk out of his mind with or without pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a sad sad story. My heart goes out to his parents.
Thansk you for publishing this article
PPl should know how the alcohol is RL Destorying lifes, and , to take strong actions
Yeshivos and Shuls should allow low level of alcohol in Farbrengens and only from 18 and up
And I hope that the the bochur is gouing to be embarrassed looking at this article,,maybe he is going to do teshuvah and this post is going to save his life ans many others
how will this bachur get embarrassed if purposely did not mention any names
and besides this is a good thing facing the facts how it is !
Be careful the Breslov guys are on something much worse that vodka. Perhaps hashish. Did you ever watch those guys.
Mr. Al Kohawlik
Have you ever heard of “Dina D’malchusa Dina”?
the comments you posted show that you haven’t really given this issue much thought (i’m not sure you give anything thought – judging by the level of your brilliance!)… “
My three favorite quotes from you ‘babble’:
1) ”Since when do we care what laws a stupid Congress makes.“ — are we not able to live as Jews in this day and age in large part due to laws of this great country?
2)”Chinuch al taharas hakodesh is also illegal. We live as yidden, we do what’s right because it’s right, not because someone made a law. And when a law is stupid we ignore it, as we should.“ — i wont even elaborate on this… people can read this and have there own laugh without my commentary…
3) ”Bochurim drinking moderately is a good thing, a positive thing, a chassidishe thing“ — um, kids drinking is dangerous for their health, and sanity.
So, Mr. MVH… put a little thought into your comments next time… if you get thrown in prison for ignoring some ”stupid law“ made by ”a stupid congress“ because ”we do whats right because its right” i just hope you have family that will visit you… its pretty rough in there! Get a life!
TO: Rina
Breslov will be happy to supply youre children with “bags of grass mescaline, sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers … and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls” and if you don’t believe me come to Tel-Aviv on saturday night to see what your children will look like in a few years of some good Na Nach Nachman Chinuch
Please Woman!!
Send em to Rehab now youll be better off
A bochur who enjoys farbrenging
Are you people crazy? Big deal a bochur said l’chaim. Is that the end of the world?
“Get alcohol out of Lubavitch.” Are you real? “alcohol is illegal under 21” are you insane? Where do you people come from? Walk around and say this stuff out loud, you’ll get beaten faster then a drunk bochur.
to A bochur who enjoys farbrenging
No doubt you meant to call yourself “A bochur who enjoys drinking for the fun of it”.
Isn’t a Farbrengen a time to try and strengthen ones connection to his Rebbe and inspire himeself and others to do what the Rebbe wants?? Do you think the Rebbe would approve of your method of “farbrenging”??
You call those who say “ “alcohol is illegal under 21” insane. Go outside and say that out loud – ”People who claim drinking under 21 is illegal are insane!”. Who sounds insane now??
to boruch ben tzvi hakohaine hoffinger
“Perhaps the drinking brought out his ‘pintele yid?’
Where’s our sense of humor?”
How does running around in the cold without pants bring out ones “pintele yid”? A kid running around like that is an embarassment to Yiddishkiet and Lubavitch, not a revelation of his spiritual side.
You see humor in this story???
Running around drunk with no clothes on into a neighborhood where he was likely to get beaten up or worse is funny?!?!
cannot believe this garbage
Lubavitcher from birth wrote:
no just follow what the rebbe said “not more than 4”(cups not boxes)
a proud jew
on behalf of all the jews, we would like to thank the african-american men who helped a bichur to safety. May you be blessd,
Grow Up
To “Bochur who enjoys Farbrenging”
FYI: The comsumption of alcohol by a minor in a private home is not technically illegal, public intoxication is. To sell, give away, or procure alcohol for use by a minor is an arrestable and inprisonable offense.
Just as we are bound by the law as Jews, we are bound by the law as citizens, residents, guests, what have you.
A week does not go by when this very blog doesn’t report a serious, often fatal accident which more often than not involves alcohol, often consumed by a minor. So no, I don’t accept or defend your childish arguement, and if you don’t end up dead, killing some inocent other, in jail, rehab, AA, I’ll be glad to give you a beating until you learn to obey the law, all the laws that are in place for our protection.
a shliach in yeshiva
boys who come to a farbrengen and get drunk are not coming to be inspired because if they really cared enough to be inspired they would listen to what the rebbe said and wouldn’t have more than four l’chaims. so parents, and mechanchim should do everyone a favor and make sure that the supply of mashke provided for a farbrengen does not exceed the limits the rebbe set….
those who get drunk only do it to feel good because they have no life and this is an escape for them
the alte chassidim would fill up a l’chaim at the beginning of the farbrengen and would hold that same l’chaim for the entire farbrengen. many of them would not even finish that one cup. its time for us to start emulating the chassidim of old.
Your wrong, go to a farbrengen at say the rap or mayanot.. these guys could just as easy get drunk elsewhere..but they drink by the farbrengen to let go of the physical bonds.
As most people know, LUBAVITCH=ALCOHOL.
It is disgusting. College students don’t even have as much Alcohol as you all. But you all drink and say it is for becoming “more religious.” It is more like you drink and become more like “pigs.”
It is good this story was published and Crown did in fact leave the bochurs name anonymous.
Like many have already said, it is important to realize that it is one thing to say lchaim…it is another to drink like goyim, which is what is sadly happening here.
Maybe secular college kids think this type of thing is funny and “cool”, but as a Balt Shuva father of three I assure it is not. In fact, the community just sitting back and doing nothing basically does not in anyway help the neighborhood, the Rebbe’s cause, and Judaism in general. Rather it makes people more frustrated and more ashamed.
Let us resolve to actually really think about and put into practice the Rebbe’s teachings on this subject
Ebers do NOT sell to minors.
You dont risk your parnosh for a five dollar profit !!!
Train them young
“MVH” is 100% correct!
Mr. A.l. kaholik: you obviously have very little respect for other people’s opinions, and have failed to realize that MVH agrees with you: drinking just for the sake of getting drunk and having a good time is wrong. However there is a very strong peer pressure to do so. The ONLY possible chance we have to prevent such a disaster is only through a 14 year old being trained in the way of responsible chassidish drinking when he is young, and still listens/ respects authority. Chances are that the obscene, disgusting drunkards of Lubavitch of whom you are so turned oof, have never truly farbrenged and said lchaim together with a amshpia, and therefore now look the way they do.
i second that david
If is responsible, you will take this story down. it’s about time you show some responsibility with such issues and think twice before publishing news stories just to get some comments@@@ shame on you!
i also realize the importance of the message of the story but if u honestly thought it important you would frequently post reminders, warnings, and the Rebbes views making it an issue to all eyes showing that your going to fight it and not just shove it under the bed. I hope to see these reminders in the near the near future and im waiting to see all news sources follow ur example
“Mr Al Kohawlic”, you still don’t get it. Yes, I’ve heard of “dina demalchusa”, and I’ll bet I know more about the subject than you do. Let me just say that it’s not nearly as poshut as you make out. I absolutely reject the notion that we have a duty to obey the law just because it is the law.
I’d like to know what you find funny about the fact that Chinuch al Taharas Hakodesh is in fact illegal. Everyone knows it, and nobody cares; and somehow we get away with it, which can only really be explained by the Rebbe’s brochos.
To those commenters who have said that alcohol is bad for you, you are wrong – it’s well established that <i>regular, moderate</i> consumption of alcohol is very good for the health. Alcohol is a blessing created by Hashem for our health and enjoyment, and we should accept and use that blessing – but not abuse it.
Think about the reason why we spill makos from the wine at the seder. (Look in the Alter Rebbe’s hagodah for the real reason, and don’t rely on any book from Artscroll.) It relates very much to our current discussion. Koach habinah. “Mochin! Mochin!”
A few more thoughts: There’s a well-known chassidishe saying that “the bottom half of the cup was not zoche to be drunk by chassidim”. The chassidisher way is to drink the top half and then top it up; no “bottoms up” as the nit-idden say. And as I quoted earlier, the Rebbe said that mashkeh is like spring water, which is “metaher bemashehu”. A revi’is is the maximum, not the minimum, and that’s one revi’is between all four lechayims, not for each!
Been there, Done that
No, alcohol is not necessarily bad. I agree with you, MVH. But alcohol in excess is what bad. As i said before, it causes some extremely unchassidish behavior, such as approaching nashim or speaking inapropriately. Sometimes, for bochurim, it is difficult to darw the line between moderate and excessive. And this is where the problem comes in.
Also, we need to get to the root of the problem. These bochurim are obviously drinking for a reason. They want to escape, so to speak. Maybe we need to solve the problem of their needing an escape.
Also, peer pressure causes drinking. Why? The ones who start it are the ones needing the escape, as the “in” people are always the ones with the most problems. So we need to fix them up too.
What’s the big deal?
He just made a mistake, and he thought it’s PURIM!? Nu, so he was AD D’LOW YODAH – and tzu dertzu he lost his pants.
He should bench gomel that he’s still alive.
When our youth sees a bunch of grown men, ESPECIALLY “shluchim”, who they are taught to emulate and idolize as “The Soldiers of the Rebbe”, when they see them get filthy drunk and behaving like animals, what do you expect?!
It’s time people realize – AH SHIKER IS A SHIKER IS A SHIKER! It doesn’t matter who you are and what you are, if you drink like an animal – and then behave like one, this is the message you’re sending to our kids.
Watch out your kids might see this article!Don’t say I didn’t warn you
I just came across this link, about another way in which alcohol is good for you. It may make you more resistant to colds. Again, though, moderation is the key word. Tofasto merube loi tofasto.…
I am actually fond of this type of posting. It’s time to wake up and smell the booze! I have to agree with Mr. Al. Kohawlik who wrote about banning alcohol in Lubavitch organizations; shuls, etc. I was married to an alcoholic for many long painful years until he stopped, but the damage was done. He started drinking “l’chaims” at age fourteen, and could never put the bottle down. I see foolishness all the time. I’ve had to peel bochurim off my car, and wash vomit off my lawn following Purim and Simchas Torah. The shame of seeing young BOYS passed out on people’s cars on the streets of Crown Heights. They give this stuff, hard liquor and all, to young students in yeshivas and call them “farbrengens.” They forget quickly the purpose of their attendance, and it has caused so many young boys to want to continue that “high,” ultimately ending up off the derech, and then the very men who flushed the stuff down their throats call them outcasts. Help these boys and young men. Serve juice and nuts at your “farbrengens.” The Rebbe isn’t physically here, people no longer behave. Grown men no longer behave. Time to make a change. Please, I don’t want my sons to grow up and emulate the new Lubavitch. Help him.
oh boy!!!!
I feel bad for the guy! Did he have his underpants on at least?
this guy has some major problems!
me myself and I
Another thing that our schools in CH should be teaching is spelling!!
The Drinking problem has gotten out of control,did you notice what was going on at 770 simchas torah?