Russian Authorities Arrest and Detain 13 Bochurim in Rostov

Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch, Rostov – Illustration Photo

ROSTOV, Russia [CHI] – As Bochurim in Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in Rostov, were preparing to set out to the resting place of the Rebbe Rashab, in honor of his birthday this past Thursday, Chof Cheshvan, it came to an abrupt halt when a force of police officers entered the building and arrested all the Bochurim that were in the Yeshiva building at the time.

Bochurim and staff members were told to bring their passports and were taken to the police station where they were booked, a process, which took 4 and a half hours. Their crime: some discrepancies with their student visas.

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iVolunteer Hosts Kick-Off Event on the Upper East Side of Manhattan

NEW YORK, NY — “Since the Jews were shown unconditional hate during the Holocaust, we must show Holocaust survivors unconditional love in the last years of their lives”, said the coordinator of the iVolunteer kick-off event.

Last Thursday, over 60 people showed up to support the kick-off event of iVolunteer. iVolunteer is a dynamic team of volunteers who visit Holocaust survivors in their homes providing them with companionship and assistance in Manhattan. Since the program’s start in September, iVolunteer has trained and matched over 20 new volunteers.

Picture of the Day! The Rebbe Studying in his Room!

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The rebbe studying in his room in the Early 1960’s. Special Thanks Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum. Click Here to see previous weeks pictures.

Picture of the Night! – Melava Malka in Maryland!

ROCKVILLE, MD [CHI] — A Melava Malka attended by family and friends in the Chabad Israeli Center of Rockville Maryland under the directorship of Rabbi Shlomo and his wife sara Beitsh, on the eve of the dedication of a new safer torah to the Chabad House!

KINUS: New Mentoring Program at Convention

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — One of the exciting new features of this year’s Kinus Hashluchim is a mentoring program. The program, running throughout the Kinus, will set up meetings between more experienced shluchim and younger shluchim who are working in the same line of Shlichus, giving them the opportunity to learn from past experiences and receive guidance on how to better serve their respective communities.

Itche Kadoozy: The Lawnchair Guy

It’s back! has launched the Itche Kadoozy Show’s latest series with its first episode, The Lawnchair Guy . While Jono is looking for a new adventure, Rabbi Itche realizes that his Synagogue is deteriorating… We don’t want to ruin it for you, so all we’re going to say is “hilarity ensues”.

Chabad of Oxnard Jewish Center to dedicate the Liberty Torah

Charles Levin – Ventura County Star

OXNARD, CA — Shortly after Edi Boxstein’s son arrived in Iraq in January 2006, his Army platoon was assigned to cover a 17-mile stretch of road south of Baghdad that was swarming with insurgents.

The last platoon that took the assignment lost half the squad, a bleak sign for Jonathan Boxstein’s platoon.

Account of Meeting Between Lubavitcher Rebbe and Current Gerer Rebbe Published

The Pardes Chabad journal

A Chabad-Lubavitch scholarly journal published this week an account of a private meeting between today’s Gerer Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. The 35-page transcript of the meeting, originally penned in Yiddish and published for the first time in the current issue of the bi-monthly Israeli Pardes Chabad, spans a host of topics, from Jewish law to in-depth analyses of portions of the Talmud to the state of Jewish activism.

In the audience, which took place in May 1977, the Rebbe encourages the then son of the Gerer Rebbe to publish the Chasidic group’s customs and the writings of its rebbes in a publicly-available book.