Alternate Side Parking Rules Suspended on Shabbos

The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) in conjunction with the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) today announced the suspension of Alternate Side Parking (ASP) regulations citywide for Shabbos, March 17, 2007 because of weather conditions. However, parking meters will remain in effect throughout the City; call 311 for the latest information.

Click here for the 2007 Alternate Side Parking Regulations Suspension Calendar.

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Jewish-born ex-Baptists celebrate Purim at Rabbinical College

NJ Jewish News

Morristown, NJ — As students at the Rabbinical College of America donned silly costumes and read from the Scroll of Esther in observance of Purim, two undergraduates whose religious upbringing had led them far from Judaism paused to reflected on a similar celebration eight years ago, and how it started them on a path back to their spiritual roots.

Twenty-one year old Michoel Levinson and his 17-year-old brother, Yehoshua, inherited their Jewish identity from their mother, Diane.

The Weekly Sedra – Parashas Vayakheil-Pekudei – Priorities! Priorities!

Rabbi Yossi Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

A story is told of a nobleman who was traveling through the forest when he noticed a large number of trees that had been used for target practice. To his amazement, every arrow was nestled perfectly in the bull’s-eye.

He could not help but marvel over the perfect marksmanship. “Who might possess such extraordinary talent,” he mused?

As he stood there marveling, he beheld a young man off in the distance shooting arrows. He immediately ran towards the boy. “Are you the sharpshooter who has landed all those bull’s-eyes?” he asked. “That is correct sir,” replied the young fellow with a sheepish grin. “You are an awfully talented individual. Where have you acquired such remarkable skill?” “To be honest,” said the lad, “I have developed my own foolproof technique.

Info to be Menachem Avel Mrs. Maryashe Schultz and Mrs. Faige Blotner

Mrs. Maryashe Schultz and Mrs. Faige Blotner are sitting Shiva after the passing of their husband and father R. Dovid Schultz OBM until Tuesday morning.

598 Montgomery St [between Kingston and Brooklyn]
Phone: 718-756-7748

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Other Cities Race Ahead of New York on Fire Technology

NY Sun
E. St. Johns Ladder 123 at the scene of a fire. Illustration Photo.

Six years after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, New York City is said to be lagging behind other cities in creating technology to aid firefighters to safely do their jobs.

Since the attacks, the city’s Fire Department has built a state-of-the-art command center in Brooklyn and is installing Global Positioning System units in fire trucks, but a lack of “pre-planning” is putting first-responders in danger, according to some department officials and outside experts.