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The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Ki Sisa

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our teacher) to tell the Jewish people that they should atone for sinning horribly with the golden calf (see Chapter 32, Verses 1 through 6 which deals with the sin). Hashem tells the Jewish people that they can atone by giving a Ma’cha’tzis Hashekel (a half of a coin called a “shekel”) to the Mishkan (the Tabernacle).

The sage Rebbi Meir tells us that when Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu that the Jews can atone by giving a half of a shekel Moshe Rabbeinu did not understand. To help Moshe Rabbeinu understand, Hashem took out a coin of fire from under His throne of honor (His Kisay Hakovod) and showed it to Moshe Rabbeinu. (See Jerusalemite Talmud, Tractate Shekalim, Chapter 1, Halachah 4).

Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday

Weekend Reminder: Spring Forward! Daylight Saving Time is here, so don’t forget to turn your clocks forward an hour.

This Sunday, March 11, some three weeks earlier than usual, Daylight Saving Time kicks in at 2 a.m. and will last until the first Sunday in November. Based on the passage of the 2005 Energy Policy Act that takes affect this year, DST has been extended by four weeks. Typically, DST begins the first Sunday in April and runs through the last Sunday in October.

The theory behind DST is that people make better use of the extended daylight hours. With longer “synthetic sunshine” consumers have less need for lights, and other appliances. Studies show that energy demand is directly connected to bedtime. During DST, the sun is already up by the time most people wake. Less energy is needed to light the home, so less energy is consumed overall.

More in the Extended Article.

DOUBLE TRAGEDY: Mother and Daughter Killed in Car Crash

Tragedy struck on the roads of Israel. Mrs. Rochel Tzedek-Scheurson (Tzikashvili) OBM of Nachalat Har Chabad and her daughter Mrs. Yochevet Chein OBM of Queens were killed in a horrific car crash.

They were on their way to ‘Har Hazitim’ to go visit the grave of R. Shmuel Tzedek-Scheurson (Tzikashvili) OBM the late husband of Mrs. Rochel on the day of his Yohrtziet. The car they were in was being driven by R. Aharon Chein husband of Mrs. Yochevet and are Shluchim to the Persian community in Queens when it was struck in the rear by a large truck, the driver R. Aharon was listed in critical condition in the ‘Kaplan’ Hospital in Rechovot.

Mrs. Rochel is survived by her sons and daughters; R. Shabtai Avishai (Nachlat Har Chabad), Mrs. Esther Michali (Lod), Mrs. Chanie Batashvili and Mrs. Rivka Michalashvili (Nachlat Har Chabad)

Mrs. Yocheved is survived by her six children Menachem Mendel, Yosef Yitzchok, Nechama Dina, Devorah Leah, Shmuel and Sholom Dovber.

The Levaya of Mrs. Rochel Tzedek-Scheurson (Tzikashvili) OBM took place today in Nachlat Har Chabad and the Levaya of Mrs. Yochevet Chein OBM will take place on Sunday afternoon.

Baruch Dayan Hoemes.