Celebration of 29,000 Britot Milah

On Sunday, Jews from all walks of life, Chassidic, religious and non-religious gathered at the Young Israel Center in Hollywood, to celebrate the milestone of 29,000 Britot Milah that Brit Yosef Yitzchak has performed worldwide.

The evening began with personal experiences shared by people who had a Brit during the past year. Keynote speaker Rabbi Sholom Lipskar, expressed the fact that Brit Yosef Yitzchak is the spiritual safety net of our generation.

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Saudi envoy attends Jewish event


Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Washington attended a Jewish community reception for the U.S. special envoy on anti-Semitism.

Turki al-Faisal, who is completing his term in Washington, appeared Wednesday at the event in the Capitol building honoring Gregg Rickman, the State Department’s top official combating anti-Semitism. It was the Saudi’s first such appearance at a public event sponsored by Jewish groups, in this case the United Jewish Communities, World Jewish Congress’ American Section, B’nai B’rith International, American Friends of Lubavitch and NCSJ: Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Eurasia. Al-Faisal also met privately in recent weeks with two dovish, pro-Israel groups.

Bloomberg Addresses Conflict In Middle East While Visiting Region

Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in Israel for the second day Friday where he talked to reporters about the conflicts in the region and how they affect America and other free nations.

“All of us are in this battle together,” he said. “Nine-eleven may have taken place in Lower Manhattan, but it was freedom loving people around the world and the way they practice their religions, have freedom of speech and control their own destinies that terrorists find so threatening.”

KSCVK Auction 5767 Winners

Split The Pot – Sora Leah Barber
Jackpot – Rottenstreice
1. Grand Prize – Shifra Stone
2. Appliance Bonanza – Lisner
3. Sofa By Tgi – Y Wener
4. Children’s Bedroom Set – Tzivia Wuencha
5. Pearls & More – Rivkah Varnay
6. Shevy Sheitel – Kraindy Klein
7. Shas – Perry Bruchstat
8. Computer – Idii Stern
9. Bridal Gown – Chaya Davidson
10. China – P Namdar

Continued in the Extended Article

Picture of the Day! One of the First Classes of Oholei Torah!

As a sneak preview of the Historic Jubilee Journal being prepared for the upcoming Oholei Torah Dinner, CrownHeights.info obtained this rare photo of one of the first classes of Oholei Torah with Reb Yisroel Meir Munitz o”h.

Readers are welcome to try and identify those in the picture using the comment system!

We hope to bring you more glimpses of the past we get closer to the Dinner. For your convenience the faces are numbered making it easier to identify. For more information on the Dinner go to www.oholeitorah.com

Ritual bath opens at Chabad

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Boynton Beach, FL — Miles from the pomp and circumstance that surrounded the Super Bowl, a spiritual ritual of a different sort was renewed Sunday at the Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Boynton.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

A wedding as it should be: full of spirituality

Mindy Rubenstein – St. Petersburg Times

I danced in circles with dozens of elegantly clad women as the band played a Hasidic tune that seemed to go on and on. The blisters on the bottoms of my feet were evidence that I gave it my all, not used to wearing high heels or dancing, especially not at the same time.

I recently attended the wedding of Chanie and Mendy Yarmush at the Grand Hyatt in Tampa. Chanie is the daughter of Sulha and Yossi Dubrowski, who have run Chabad-Lubavitch of Tampa Bay in Carrollwood for the past 20 years. Chabad is a mystical form of Hasidic Judaism that focuses on outreach to unaffiliated nonobservant Jews like me.

Auschwitz and Darfur

Yosef Y. Jacobson – Algemeiner.com

The images from Sudan are horrific: wounded, starving, diseased adults; skeletal, dying infants. Some people have referred to this as “ethnic cleansing,” and the U.S. called it “genocide.” Since 2003, an estimated 400,000 Africans have been massacred by the state-sanctioned Janjaweed (“men on horses”), many of them through savage torture. Many men had their eyes poked out. Countless women were raped, and if they refused, their arms and legs were broken. Children were mutilated while others perished from famine and disease. Two million people have been displaced from their homes and villages.

As youngsters, many of us could not fathom how the world remained silent as six million Jews were taken to their deaths. How was it that even among many Jews apathy prevailed? How, we wondered, could anybody go to sleep at night knowing that tomorrow another 12,000 Jews (as was the number in 1944) would be gassed?

But human nature knows all too cruelly how to detach. One of the tragic ironies of life: As many of us get ready to enjoy a serene weekend, in Darfur others will brace for rape, torture and death.

Yahrzteit Gathering in Memory of Rabbi Yehuda Chitrik OBM

Last night, Sunday, there was a gathering to mark the first Yahrzteit of Harav HaChossid Harav Hatomim Rabbi Yehuda Chitrik OBM at FREE on President St.

The processions started at approximately 8:00 PM, with a nice speech by one of R. Chitrik’s great great grandchildren. There was also a nice seuda prepared, which included a Siyum and some more speeches by various Rabonim and dignitaries.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

CT Shluchim Achdus – Fabrengens – enters its third year!


Once a month all the Connecticut Shluchim get together at one of the Shluchim’s homes, for a Chassidishe fabrengen and a way of catching up and inspiring one another. The Monthly fabrengen has became a Mini kinus, with Shluchim sharing programs, Ideas, and has brought about a tremendous amount of achdus in the state.

This Motzei Shabbos Parshas Beshalach, the Fabrengen was held at the all new multi million dollar Beis Chabad of Rabbi Shayeh Deitsch, of Chabad of Northern Fairfield County, who inspired all with a great Fabrengen (and a great spread)!

Women Leaders To Convene at International Conference

R. C. Berman – Lubavitch.com
Mrs. Dina Greenberg makes a presentation at the mikvah opening of the Shanghai Jewish Center in China.

The idea of women in leadership positions may seem antithetical to common conceptions of female piety and Torah observant lifestyles. Not so in the world of Chabad. This week, representatives of Jewish communities worldwide–women all–convene at an annual conference.