As a sneak preview of the Historic Jubilee Journal being prepared for the upcoming Oholei Torah Dinner, obtained this rare photo of one of the first classes of Oholei Torah with Reb Yisroel Meir Munitz o”h.

Readers are welcome to try and identify those in the picture using the comment system!

We hope to bring you more glimpses of the past we get closer to the Dinner. For your convenience the faces are numbered making it easier to identify. For more information on the Dinner go to

Picture of the Day! One of the First Classes of Oholei Torah!

As a sneak preview of the Historic Jubilee Journal being prepared for the upcoming Oholei Torah Dinner, obtained this rare photo of one of the first classes of Oholei Torah with Reb Yisroel Meir Munitz o”h.

Readers are welcome to try and identify those in the picture using the comment system!

We hope to bring you more glimpses of the past we get closer to the Dinner. For your convenience the faces are numbered making it easier to identify. For more information on the Dinner go to