A Crown Heights Mohel leaves an Impression

Hong Kong, China — The Jewish Community of Hong Kong was overwhelmed with joy as they were blessed with a new baby boy member. Hong Kong is well known as a business center frequented by business men from around the world. The Chabad Shaliach Rabbi Mordechai Avtzon was successful in establishing a flourishing Jewish Community in addition to providing a Jewish environment to the many Jewish visitors.

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Eber’s Pesach Liquor and Wine Sale

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Six Sessions Explore Ecclesiastical Law

Palm Beach Post

West Palm Beach, FL — After a quick kosher lunch of eggplant spread, bagels and hummus, the room full of lawyers and judges moved on to a dessert they clearly relished: The law.

It was the first of six sessions of a continuing education course called “You Be the Judge,” sponsored by the Jewish Learning Institute.

Putting a New Spin on Tradition

Photos by George McNish for the Star Ledger

Rabbis Zalman Grossbaum, Levi Grossbaum and Yisroel Rosenbloom, assemble a 7-foot wooden dreidel at the Livingston Mall yesterday. The dreidel is the traditional spinning top with Hebrew letters that children play with during Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.

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FREE Publishing House Distributes Chanukah Guides in Russian

FREE Publishing House, the publishing arm of Friends of Refugees of Eastern E urope, has completed its worldwide distribution of the new Chanukah Guide in the Russian language for 5767.

The guides have been distributed to tens of thousands of Russian Jews worldwide through Chabad Houses and other Jewish organizations throughout North America, Canada, Europe and Australia–working with Jews from the Former Soviet Union.

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Bill Handcuffs Chabad Tefillin Campaign

A Chabad post, where men of all ages are encouraged to try tefillin for the first time.

The familiar sight of Chabadniks inviting youths to put on tefillin may suffer a serious setback if a bill proposed by Labor MK Ophir Paz-Pines in the Knesset on Monday becomes law. The bill would prevent adults from placing pressure on anyone under the age of 18 to increase or decrease their religious involvement.

According to Paz-Pines, too much pressure is placed on youths to alter their religious traditions. Pressing youths to observe or discard religious practices can “cause the break-up of a family and cause damage to minors,” he said.

Yud Tes Kislev At Rabbi ‘O’s Yeshiva (YNS) Like Never Before

It all started at 4:00 p.m. when everyone washed & sat down for the beautifully prepared Seuda which was followed by a farbrengen headed by Rabbi Yaacov Orimland and joined by mashpia, Rabbi Levi Wilschanski, our magidei shiurim, Rabbi Landesman and Rabbi Rottenberg and our madrich, Habochur Moshe Benshimon.

Preparations for Yud Tes Kislev started “shloshim yom kodem ha’chag” when the mivtza of saying Chitas and being makpid in putting on Rabbeinu Tam, was introduced to the bochurim. Yasher Koach to those bochurim who accomplished and stood firm with their hachlotah and will IY”H be rewarded with an exciting outing of night jeeping in the Golan.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Rabbi Seligson Farbrengs in Maryland

Rabbi Michoel Seligson at the Farbengen with the Shluchim of the Metro DC area held in Bethesda Maryland

On Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach, in honor of Yud Tes Kislev there was a shabbaton in Gaithersburg, MD which was organized by the Shluchim Rabbi Sholom Raichik and Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum, Rabbi Michoel Seligson Fabrenged and kept the assembled spellbound with Chassidic thoughts and stories. During the two meals many people attended and stayed for hours to Farbreng.

On Motzoai Shabbos Rabbi Seligson Farbrenged with the Shluchim of the DC metro area. Over 15 Shluchim from Virgina, Washington and Maryland area attended. The Farbrengen went on until the wee hours of the morning.

Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen in South Florida

They came from near and from far to partake in the celebration at The Shul of Bal Harbour. Close to 700 strong attended the Farbrengen and were moved by the words of Chassidus of the Rebbe’s Shliach to the upper Midwest, Rabbi Moshe Feller and were inspired by the depth and richness of the Alter Rebbe’s niggunim performed by the Menagen Mayer Rivkin.

Rabbi Sholom Lipskar, the Rebbe’s Shliach, founder and spiritual leader of The Shul of Bal Harbour, welcomed the assembled and explained the significance and deep meaning of this joyous day. Segments of the new JEM production “The Early Years” were then shown, to the delight of all.

More pictures in the Extended Article!