Photos by George McNish for the Star Ledger

Rabbis Zalman Grossbaum, Levi Grossbaum and Yisroel Rosenbloom, assemble a 7-foot wooden dreidel at the Livingston Mall yesterday. The dreidel is the traditional spinning top with Hebrew letters that children play with during Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.

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Putting a New Spin on Tradition

Photos by George McNish for the Star Ledger

Rabbis Zalman Grossbaum, Levi Grossbaum and Yisroel Rosenbloom, assemble a 7-foot wooden dreidel at the Livingston Mall yesterday. The dreidel is the traditional spinning top with Hebrew letters that children play with during Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights.

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Olivia and Elanor Vande Vusse, look at one of the four panels of the dreidel, which depicts scenes from the history of Chanukah.

Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum, places one of the figures into a panel on the dreidel. The display is sponsored by the Chabad Living Legacy program. This year, Chanukah begins at sundown on Dec. 15.