Good Shabbos From Yaldei Hashluchim Across The Globe
MyShliach’s annual Shabbos Tzuzamen is underway, bringing together Yaldei Hashluchim with 110 regional Shabbatons taking place simultaneously across the world.
MyShliach’s annual Shabbos Tzuzamen is underway, bringing together Yaldei Hashluchim with 110 regional Shabbatons taking place simultaneously across the world.
The doors of Brooklyn’s Bedford Armory swung open, and thousands of Jewish teens from 60 countries poured in—launching the CTeen International Shabbaton with an unforgettable opening night and registration.
Despite the ebb and flow of changing demographics in the seacoast city of New Haven, Connecticut, the iconic Orchard Street Shul with its weathered brick facade and Star-of-David-topped cupolas has welcomed generations of New Haven Jews.
Being that we are now six weeks before Yud Aleph Nissan, and both Temimim and Anash are all doing aspects to strengthen their hiskashrus to the Rebbe, I decided to write some aspects about the background of the Likkutei Sichos. The reason for this is that the Rebbe writes that the way one becomes connected to the Rebbeim is by learning their Torah.
Rabbi Moshe Bryski explores the enduring spirit of the Jewish people, the importance of Torah education, and the transformative power of unwavering belief. A must-watch for those seeking inspiration, hope, and a deeper connection to Jewish heritage.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman deconstructs the Mishkan, and reconstructs it with an explanation of how the parts are the building blocks of our souls.
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Michoel Lerner is Rosh Kollel of 770 Montgomery. He will be giving this week’s shiur on the question, Can bread really be mezonos?
Today, the 30th of Shvat, marks nineteen years since the cold-blooded murder of Efraim Klein HY”D, a well known and loved member of the Crown Heights Jewish community. The investigation into his murder has long since gone cold.
A younger Avraham Fried, early in his adult career, at a wedding singing Dina Storch’s “Someday” which was made famous by Mordechai Ben David.
Zalman and Chanie Denberg from Coral Springs, FL had a baby boy!
The Rosh Kollel of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad, HaRav Chaim Hillel Raskin gives a shiur going through the background and source material for this unique Purim falling out on Friday. He concludes with practical halacha lmase guidance.
From Hong Kong to Cancun, airports in hundreds of cities worldwide are buzzing this week with the energy of 4,000 teens, proudly showcasing their Jewish identity as they journey to New York City for this weekend’s CTeen Shabbaton.
The Rebbe’s letter – based on the Frierdiker Rebbe’s talk about the erection and dismantling of the mishkan in the desert – stresses the critical importance of educating our fellow Jews in Torah and mitvos, to the fullest and with every detail.
TYH (Thank You Hashem) will be parading through the streets of Crown Heights Thursday as they film a new music video starring Yid on the Street and Mendy Worch.
For decades, Jewish Educational Media (JEM) has meticulously curated, translated, and produced thousands of videos capturing the Rebbe’s teachings and personal interactions. Soon, JEM will be rolling out a groundbreaking AI-powered tool that will transform how users access and explore this vast archive.
Ari Fink (Crown Heights) to Shanah Drizin (Crown Heights) L’Chaim: Tonight, Tuesday, 8:00pm at The JCM
With Purim falling out on Erev Shabbos, there’s even more to do in less time. Cooking for Shabbos, preparing the Purim Seudah, and hearing the Megillah leaves little room for running around town delivering Shalach Manos. That’s where Achdus Basket comes in!