Op-Ed: What Are We Waiting For?
In the past seven weeks, 16 people in our community died by suicide. Another nine attempts were thankfully unsuccessful. That’s 25 people in crisis, 25 lives on the brink, and 16 who are no longer with us.
In the past seven weeks, 16 people in our community died by suicide. Another nine attempts were thankfully unsuccessful. That’s 25 people in crisis, 25 lives on the brink, and 16 who are no longer with us.
James Madison said, “Free speech is one of the great bulwarks of liberty”. Americans have been debating its parameters; some say this endangers liberty, others, that it limits hate. Judaism has a history of active debate, but where does Jewish tradition place restrictions?
With close to 200 submissions and over 70 fully written scripts and videos, the contest quickly became a hit. The excitement only grew during two intense weeks of voting, where nearly 12,000 votes were cast.
Across Europe and America, hundreds of young boys and girls—many living in remote areas and investing extra effort to study on their own—finally met in person to forge friendships and celebrate their hard-earned Torah knowledge.
Enjoy this song about taming one’s desires, based on Hayom Yom 25 Adar II Excerpted from last year’s show “Generation Seven – The Legend (2024).”
The cRc has released its popular 2025 Pesach Guide which is now available in a newly-designed concise format.
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Rosenfeld OBM, the Rav of the Tzemach Tzedek Shul of Boro Park. He passed away Tuesday Morning the 25th of Adar, 5785. Updated with Levaya information.
It’s another story of an unhappy zoning board attempting to block the growth of a local Chabad center. The story is the same, the arguments are the same, and the legal outcome will undoubtably be the same as well.
Mivtzah Tefillin has crossed major boundaries as the YU Hockey Team took the opportunity to put on tefillin with others at a recent event, including with one Karkafta.
In honor of the “Shloshim” of the veteran emissary in Uzbekistan, Rabbi Dovid Abba Gurevitch, who worked for many years in the city of Tashkent – a memorial event was held that united all the communities.