Picture of the Day

Continuing an 8 year custom, Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld of the OK Kosher assisted The Manhattan Beer Company in completing mechiras chametz. Let’s raise a glass and a slice of kokosh (after Pesach) to their dedication and commitment to the Jewish community.

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Weekly Story: In the Limousine

On Shabbos, I heard the following inspiring story that happened this Purim. It is only through these snippets that I hear or that people inform me of, that I am able to continue writing and posting new insights and stories. 

A Mitzvah For Menachem

Just days after celebrating his Upshernish, 3-year-old Menachem tragically passed away. Let’s come together and do a mitzvah, a good deed, an act of goodness and kindness, Leilui Nishmat Menachem Mendel Ben Baruch Bendit.

New Jewish Cemetery in St. Charles, Missouri, Marks Important Milestone

A new Jewish cemetery will soon be consecrated in St. Charles County, Missouri, under the rabbinic leadership of Rabbi Chaim Landa, co-director of the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Center of St. Charles County.