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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 50% OFF Non-Slip Cabinet Liner

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Shelf Liner, Non-Slip Cabinet Liner

Washable Oil-Proof for Kitchen Cabinet

Shelves, Refrigerator, Storage

Desks, 12 Inches x 10 FT

Non Adhesive Drawers Liner

DEAL PRICE: $11.19 (50% OFF)


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New Haven Synagogue Turns 100

Despite the ebb and flow of changing demographics in the seacoast city of New Haven, Connecticut, the iconic Orchard Street Shul with its weathered brick facade and Star-of-David-topped cupolas has welcomed generations of New Haven Jews.

Weekly Story: The Story of Likutei Sichos Part #1

Being that we are now six weeks before Yud Aleph Nissan, and both Temimim and Anash are all doing aspects to strengthen their hiskashrus to the Rebbe, I decided to write some aspects about the background of the Likkutei Sichos. The reason for this is that the Rebbe writes that the way one becomes connected to the Rebbeim is by learning their Torah.