Erev Chof v in Alma Ata
Courtesy of photographer Akiva Sheinberger, we present an extensive gallery of the evening of the Holy Day of Av in Alma Ata.
Courtesy of photographer Akiva Sheinberger, we present an extensive gallery of the evening of the Holy Day of Av in Alma Ata.
Please say tehillim for שלמה יוסף בן רישא, a Crown Heights father who fell ill and is in need of a Refyah Shelaima.
As I noted last week, I will be posting a few articles concerning my thoughts about chinuch. In this week’s post I am continuing this series. However, first I would like to address a point concerning last week’s post, that a reader asked about.
For the auspicious days of Chof Av, the Ohel Bus Service will be providing extra subsidized transportation round trip from Crown Heights to the Ohel on Wednesday, Chof Av.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman looks at the life of the Rebbe’s father, Reb Levik, and learns from his life towards our own today.
The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 has released a special edition of The Alef, their weekly Moshiach learning companion, marking 80 years since the passing of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneersoh by learning his teachings about Moshiach.
Recently a few Shluchim reached out to Chabad artist Yitzchak Moully with an idea. It’s almost two months to Simchat Torah, how are we going to celebrate Simchat Torah this year? From here a special Torah Mantle was born.
In preparation for their upcoming Shlichus, over 50 women participated in a two-day training seminar, facilitated by the New Shluchos Desk at Merkos 302.
A strikingly clear, full-length video of the Rebbe’s Farbrengen in honor of his father’s Yahrtzeit is now available for you to experience.
As this year’s season of MyShliach Mishnayos Baal Peh comes to a close, IDF soldiers thank the young Shluchim for the Mishnayos they learned in their merit.
“When Rockland Chaverim arrived, their coordination and professionalism were unbelievable,” Shapiro says. They began searching the area with drones at daybreak, and employed crews on the ground at 9:30 a.m. By 10:45 a.m., Rockland Chaverim had found the boy just outside the first-priority search zone established by the sheriff’s department, alive and stable.