BESHT: Chag Hageulah 12 – 13 Tammuz

Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Dovid Leib Grossbaum was sent on bochurim shlichus to Miami Beach Yeshiva Gedola in years 1974-1976. He later went on Shlichus as a kollel yungerman to be part of new Kollel in Melbourne Australia in 1979. He will be giving this week’s shiur on the Chag Hageulah: 12 – 13 Tammuz.

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Weekly Story: Yud Beis Tammuz Part 2/2

              As noted last week I am posting another segment from the unedited draft of the Introduction to the volume biography of the Frierdiker Rebbe. Hopefully it will give you some insight of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s life, and of a few of his accomplishments.