NY Voters Overwhelmingly Reject New Manhattan $15 ‘Congestion’ Toll
New York voters overwhelmingly reject having to pay a new $15 “congestion” toll to enter Midtown Manhattan, a statewide poll released Monday shows.
New York voters overwhelmingly reject having to pay a new $15 “congestion” toll to enter Midtown Manhattan, a statewide poll released Monday shows.
On Sunday night, the ISA, Israel Police, and IDF arrested Ahmad Dawabshe, the terrorist who murdered Binyamin Achimeir, a Jewish shepherd, in a bloody and brutal terror attack last week.
President of Miami University designates the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s birthday, the 12th of Nissan, as Education Day USA.
Chabad photographer Mordechai Lubecki visited the Kever of Dan ben Yaakov and captured the sites surrounding the location.
Three pedestrians were hit at two different locations in the Romema neighborhood of Jerusalem on Monday morning, by what is believed to be the same vehicle.
In the face of fears, Rabbi Yuda Drizin, who co-directs Chabad-Lubavitch at Columbia with his wife Naomi, this means holding a larger Passover Seder than he’d originally planned.
A little while before selling the Chometz of the Russian Jewish people by the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar Shalita, the annual blessing letter written by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to all the Jews of Russia arrived at his office.
As the Howard County, Maryland Council convened on Monday, April 15th, a group of local high-schoolers were present. They’d be awarded this day for their recent athletic achievements. But their special day took on a deeper, even more meaningful light once the public hearing began.
Rabbi Shmuel Lew has been serving as an educator and Chabad emissary in London since 1965. He was interviewed five times in the years 2007, 2009, 2020, and 2021.