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Weekly Story: Yud Aleph Nissan

As all Anash are preparing for Yud Aleph Nissan, this coming Friday, the day (122 years ago), that the Eibishter sent the Rebbe’s Neshama to this earth to inspire the entire Jewish nation.  I am sharing some thoughts that I plan on saying b’ezras Hashem at a farbrengen this coming week. 

Website Launched To Ease Shluchim’s Pesach Workload

The list of tasks in the approach to Pesach seems endless: cleaning, purchasing Shmurah Matzah, outfits for the kids, etc. Adding a Chabad House to run lengthens that list exponentially. To aid Shluchim in juggling all these tasks at once, Chabad Mosdos launched a website to consolidate various Pesach resources into one easily accessible place.