From The Editor: When It Comes To 770 There Are No Innocents, Everyone Is Guilty

Just over three weeks ago, the major story of the “tunnels” under 770 broke, leading every Lubavitcher to reexamine the way that they have dealt with some of the extreme elements in Chabad. As the dust settles, and cement dries, the question is now being asked “Will anything change?” Unfortunately, everyone continues to do what has always been done, pass the buck and refuse to take action.

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The Campaign That Doesn’t End

Recently, we have passed the stretch of time many Chabad Rabbis know as fundraising season. Boruch Hashem, many goals were reached, and campaigns have ended. There is one campaign, however, that does not end – no matter how much time passes.

The Bracha of the Arak

Merkaz Sefarad Chabad in partnership with the Lipsker and Zaets families, (decendants of the Abir Yaacov and the Baba Sali), invite you to join in the annual Hiloula of Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhatzeira this coming Tuesday night, January 23rd.