Benny Friedman Release New Music Video “Lo Lefached”
Benny Friedman has released a new music video to his song “Lo Lefached”.
Benny Friedman has released a new music video to his song “Lo Lefached”.
Rabbi Yosef Farkash, Mashpia at Yeshivas Ohr Yehuda in Kfar Chabad, joins forces with Project Likkutei Torah (PLT) to assist in the expansion and enrichment of the “Likkutei Torah Ohr” app. This initiative aims to provide an enhanced user experience in English, among other notable upgrades.
Five hundred young Jewish professionals are gearing up to descend upon Crown Heights next week for the annual CYP Encounter: Crown Heights. In light of the tremendous awakening of Torah study amongst the young professional demographic, this year’s Shabbaton will feature a robust learning regimen featuring noted scholars.
This past week, Oholei Torah lost a long-time former Rebbi, Rabbi Chaim Burston a”h. Rabbi Burston was a beloved Rebbi in Oholei Torah for many years before he moved to Los Angeles, where he continued his role in Chinuch. Rabbi Burston was most devoted to his Talmidim; his chinuch and abundance of energy extending far beyond his classroom.
Rabbi Eli Wilansky of Pittsburgh, PA was going through some stuff at the shul where he works, Bnei Emunah-Chabad, when he came across an old tape created in Camp Gan Israel Montreal in 1995. A treasured piece of camp that will now never be lost.
Haddasah Chen of Arutz7 ‘Real Talk’ invited Devorah Lea Andrusier, the Lubavitch mother of an IDF Lone Soldier as a guest on her show. Devorah Lea Andrusier is herself the daughter of a Shliach and discussed how she deals with the fact that her son is fighting in Israel.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, author and Chasidic historian shares interesting facts, many revealed for the first time. The purpose of his program is to inspire all but especially the youth. Watch another installment here on CrownHeights.info.