Tragedy in Gaza: Three Hostages Mistakenly Killed by Israeli Troops
IDF soldiers mistakenly identify Israeli hostages Yotam Haim, Samer Talalka and Alon Shamriz as a threat, shoot and kill them. The incident is being investigated.
IDF soldiers mistakenly identify Israeli hostages Yotam Haim, Samer Talalka and Alon Shamriz as a threat, shoot and kill them. The incident is being investigated.
Glued to walls and sign posts with a clear lacquered covering, signs proclaiming “Jews For Palestine” have popped up around Crown Heights.
Subsidized bus service to and the Ohel will be available for Hey Teves, beginning Motzei Shabbos through Sunday night.
Last week I noted that I would post a thought that I said at a Yud-Tes Kislev farbrengen. Since it is connected to one of the paramount messages the Rebbe mentions in his sichos on Chanukah, I decided to post it this week.
To help Chassidim celebrate the day, a beautiful program and Chassidishe Farbrengen, arranged by Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus, will take place near the Rebbe’s Ohel at 9:00 pm on Motzei Shabbos. The warm Farbrengen will be addressed by Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, and Rabbi Shmaya Shmotkin.
When deciding on how to make this Chanukah even more memorable, wouldn’t you also immediately think to take a Menorah to the bottom of the Ocean?
As the eighth and final candle is lit on the menorah, marking the last day of Chanukah, I thank the over 1200 people who brought light to our community this Chanukah. Thank you for partnering with CSSY to BE THERE for our community.
We continue the series by learning about the mitzvah of Pru Urvu in a two-part overview based on the Rebbe’s sichos, featuring Mrs. S. Morozow. Also, Enjoy a 20% discount on ALL items featured in the sale!
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Shmuel Heber is a renowned marbitz Torah, and his shiurim are famous for their clarity and easy to follow along style. He will be giving this week’s shiur titled “Chanukah Explained”.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman explains the jump from Chanukah to Hey Teves. No, it is not a coincidence.
During an operation in Gaza, the bodies of the hostages CPL Nik Beizer and SGT Ron Scherman were recovered by IDF soldiers and brought back to Israel.
One of the most predictable facets of the Israel-US relationship is this: The United States will pressure Israel to do something that is against its vital security interests. It’s not necessarily coming from a bad place, it’s just a fact of life.
On a warm and dry December day in southern Kuwait, close to 40 soldiers, sailors and marines training at Camp Arifjan gathered to celebrate Chanukah. They lit menorahs, engaged in dreidel-spinning contests, savored home-fried potato latkes and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts), and discussed how the story of Chanukah relates to their lives and needs in the military.
In honor of the Zos Chanukah, Rabbi Michoel Seligson has recorded a series on the 8th day of Chanukah 5738 (late 1977), when the Rebbe personally planned a surprise farbrengen for Chassidim. Chassidim considered this event as a seudas hodo’o after recovering from his heart attack, which took place two months earlier.
Each year, the skating rink at the Ice Mall in Eilat is packed on Chanukah, and a large crowd, including many tourists, joins Rabbi Mendi Klein each night to light the menorah. But this year Eilat is empty of tourists, their places at the menorah lighting taken by some of the 70,000 Israelis from the Gaza Envelope who are being hosted in Eilat after their displacement by the terrorist attack on Simchat Torah.
The community is being invited to join the Benjamin Family for a Shloshim event for Rabbi Shmuel Benjamin A”H. The event will be taking place on Monday, Dec. 18th at 8:00pm. The event will be streamed LIVE on Zoom.
IDF announces it recovered the body of Elia Toledano, 28, who was kidnapped from the party in Re’im on October 7.