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InfoDeals Daily Deal – Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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WULFUL Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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DEAL PRICE: $54.67 – $75.59

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Benny Friedman & Baruch Levine – Vshavu Banim

For 24 hours a day, Mosdos Kever Rachel has a a year-round kollel at the kever and provides free food and drinks for visitors from around the world. They are davening on our behalf, pleading with our mama to intercede for us in shamayim. Released by Mosdos Kever Rachel in honor of the 3,574th Yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu.

Picture of the Day

With the new addition to the building of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Crown Street coming to completion, workers were installing the new signage, the schools name, above the entryway.

Slain IDF Hero to Be Celebrated and Memorialized at Rebbe’s Resting Place

Women and girls from New York City will honor and celebrate the life of Raz Mizrachi, a 21-year-old former Israel Defense Forces soldier who was killed by Hamas on Oct. 7, with a trip to the Ohel in Queens, N.Y.—the resting place of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.