PSA: Thunderstorm Warning In NYC, Check Your Drains
The National Weather Service has announced a Severe Thunderstorm warning for NYC through 7:00pm. Check your drains so as not to have a flood just minutes before Shabbos.
The National Weather Service has announced a Severe Thunderstorm warning for NYC through 7:00pm. Check your drains so as not to have a flood just minutes before Shabbos.
The Chabad Young Professionals Encounter: Midwest Shabbaton is set to bring together communities across the Midwest for an immersive Shabbat experience. This rejuvenating event will include soulful farbrengens, thought-provoking classes, social gatherings, and networking opportunities.
Customers of Chase’s online banking services were seeing double transactions, fees and/or payments in their accounts, with the situation not immediately being resolved as of late morning on Friday.
Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Dovid Leib Grossbaum was sent on bochurim shlichus to Miami Beach Yeshiva Gedola in years 1974-1976. He later went on Shlichus as a kollel yungerman to be part of new Kollel in Melbourne Australia in 1979.
On Shavuos a friend told me the following story. It was so powerful that I knew that I was going to post it. Your comments and feedback are always welcomed and appreciated.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman brings up an interesting question, , why all this pomp and pageantry at such a lofty moment as the giving of the Torah?
In the spirit of Hakhel and following the joyous Yom Tov of Shavuos, the members of the staff and faculty of Oholei Torah, along with their families, gathered for a siyum and hachnosas sefer Torah written in their honor and zechus.
Customers of Venmo, PayPal and CashApp should not store their money with those apps for the long term because the funds might not be safe during a crisis, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warned Thursday.
If you want to express love for God or the Torah, you must show love to every Jew. Unity and love is essential at all times.