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Weekly Story: Yes, It Is Exact

This past Friday night, I was visited by a group of teenagers who asked me numerous questions regarding Emunah. One of the main questions was on this week’s Parsha, Parshas Bamidbar, asking if everything in the Torah is exact. For example, are the numbers recorded for each Shevat in Parshas Bamidbar exact or are they rounded off? I decided to share with you part of that informal farbrengen.

Picture of the Day

Rabbi Eli Stefansky of Merkoz Daf Yomi leads one of the most famous Daf Yomi Shiurim, which includes many Lubavitchers. What you may not know is that he is related to Lubavitcher Boruch Shalom Schwei. Also, chances are he really is an undercover Lubavitcher.