300 Bochurim Reach Halikut Final
Bochurim in Yeshivas around the world have been learning Chelek Chof Hei of the Rebbe’s Likutei Sichos; finalists for the final test in New York were announced.
Bochurim in Yeshivas around the world have been learning Chelek Chof Hei of the Rebbe’s Likutei Sichos; finalists for the final test in New York were announced.
After reading the article from CrownHeights.info called “Massive New Housing Development Takes Away Parking Spots and Brings More Homeless”, a Crown Heights resident knew she had to weigh in with a different view.
About 70 community members participated in a Zoom meeting Monday with the Brooklyn Community Board 9 Housing Committee as they discussed the Sparrow Housing Project that is planned for South Crown Heights. This was without a doubt, the most well attended community board meeting since COVID, and seems like it’s a sign of things to come.
On the fourth night of Chanukah, friends and family gathered together to celebrate Darchai Menachem’s annual Grand Menorah Lighting
On the morning of Aug. 3, 2019, an armed man walked into a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and opened fire, killing 23 people and leaving the city in shock and mourning. A few weeks later, Rabbi Levi Greenberg, director of programming at Chabad-Lubavitch of El Paso, met with El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego. During the conversation, the two discussed ideas that could positively impact the community at large, especially in light of the horrific recent event.
As Chassidim around the world are busy preparing for the auspicious day of Yud Shevat, and studying this years Basi Legani Maamorim, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus is pleased to share a resource website, where you will find everything you need to prepare for the day.
After successfully launching around the world, the Met@Chabad dating event is coming to NYC at this week’s CYP Encounter Shabbaton.
More than 85 years after the Nazis banned Jewish participation in sports, Jewish athletes from around the world gathered in Ruhpolding, Germany, to compete in the Maccabi Deutschland Winter Games. In a particularly memorable moment, Alfi Goldenberg, the chairman of the organizing committee announced: “We’re all here together, we had great fun, and now we’re going to stop for Shabbat.”
Consumers should stop using the Rock ‘n Play immediately and contact Fisher-Price for a refund or voucher after a slew of child deaths associated with the product.
Two arrests were made in front of 770 Tuesday morning, including one that involved an altercation with a knife.
In Episode 33 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Mendy and Rebbetzin Mazal Sternbach, who left the well-established and comfortable Chabad Communities in which they grew up and settled in Nigeria after they were married.