Gallery: Philadelphia Menorah Parade Floods City Streets Part #2
In the spirit of Hakhel, the Chabad regional of Philadelphia together with its Chabad center, celebrated the largest ever Philly Chanukah Parade on Motzaei Shabbos, December 17th.
In the spirit of Hakhel, the Chabad regional of Philadelphia together with its Chabad center, celebrated the largest ever Philly Chanukah Parade on Motzaei Shabbos, December 17th.
In the spirit of Hakhel, the Chabad regional of Philadelphia together with its Chabad center, celebrated the largest ever Philly Chanukah Parade on Motzaei Shabbos, December 17th.
Like so many positive aspects of American life, the public menorah has since been exported around the world. Today, 15,000 public menorahs illuminate the darkness from New Zealand to the United Arab Emirates. They stand today, during this difficult time, as tall and magnificent as ever.
Courtesy of JEM, a video playlist to enhance your Chanukah in the special year of Hakhel has been released, with eights sichos for eight nights of Chanukah.
Harav Shlomo Segal lit the first candle of Chanukah in the Rebbe’s room, marking the first night of Chanukah.
The topics in this week’s 429th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: What Is Chanukah’s Message For Us Today? Why Don’t We Light a Flame Every Day? Is Yud Tes Kislev Connected With Chanukah? Are We Allowed to Read the Book of the Maccabees? What Are the Origins of the Dreidel?
At today’s world Cup match between France and Argentina, the French anthem, or perhaps more commonly known as the Hoaderes Vihoemuna Niggun. Two Lubavitch bochurim were on hand to capture the moment.
A Chasidic discourse by the Frierdiker Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneesohn, of blessed memory, delivered on Shabbos Chanukah 5694 (1933), in Warsaw, Poland, was released by the Kehot Publication Society to be studied on Chanukah.
Live at 4:00pm: Join the live broadcast of the lighting ceremony of the National Chanukah Menorah located on the Ellipse at the White House in Washington D.C. Featuring musical performances by the “Pershing’s Own United States Army Band” and “The Three Cantors”.
Rabbi Gershon Avtzon of Cincinnati, OH, answers a weekly question pertaining to relevant issues in the Chabad community.
Thousands of spectators from around the world joined the lighting of the first night of Chanukah at the Western Wall with the participation of Rabbi of the Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz and the Mayor of Jerusalem Mr. Moshe Leon.
This past weekend, more than three hundred people gathered together in Queensland for a historic Shabbaton and Siyum Sefer Torah.
In honor of Ymei CHanukah, Rabbi Michoel Seligson has recorded a series includes facts and stories about Chanukah by the Rebbe.
Live at 12:00pm: Thousands of Jewish children worldwide will join together in an incredible “Chanukah Live” Hakhel event organized by CKids International.
In the spirit of Hakhel, the Chabad regional of Philadelphia together with its Chabad center, celebrated the largest ever Philly Chanukah Parade on Motzaei Shabbos, December 17th.
CBDChabad Sydney brought the Festival of Lights to Rushcutters Bay at its 8th Annual Inner East Public Menorah Lighting.
Lubavitcher Rabbonim speak in strong support and extol praises for “Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad”, the new Kollel for aspiring Chabad rabbonim.